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"Hey Bub." Kalyn grinned, grabbing Lottie off his mum.

"She's been an absolute angel."

"Of course she has." He mumbled, kissing her forehead.

I rolled my eyes and Tara grinned.

"How was your weekend off?"

"Nice. Went too quick."

"Well anytime you want us to watch her we're happy to, especially if she stays like that. Bit calmer than Kyle & Bek's three boys."

I laughed, nodding & she sighed.

"They're so full on those ones." She laughed, kissing Lottie's forehead.

"Bye honey, grandma loves you."

"Thanks mom, I'll see you after." Kalyn said, putting Lots in the car.

"No worries mate, bye darl." She whispered, hugging me.

"Bye, thanks again." I sighed, hopping back in the car.

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