Accidents happen

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"Mom? What? What's happened?"

I could only faintly hear Kalyn & I swayed to the music.

"Is she okay? How's dad?"

Wait what?

"We're coming now."

He put his phone down and looked at me, tears in his eyes.

"We gotta go B."

"What? Why?"

"Dad was in an accident, Lottie was in the backseat."

My eyes widened & it's like my drunkness was gone.

I ran for the entrance and felt the tears run down my face.

"Baby!" I heard Kay yell after me & I ignored him.

Where the hell is my baby!?

He eventually grabbed my hand and pulled me along behind him.

We probably looked so crazy running past people as fast as we could, both with tears running down our faces.

We got a cab & went straight to the hospital.

We ran inside & got taken to the waiting room.

I seen Tara and Kalyn hugged her as she cried.

"Is lottie okay?" I cried, pains in my chest hurting from just thinking about her hurt.

I couldn't bare the thought of losing my little girl.

"She's in ICU. Mark's in surgery now."

"Oh god." I cried, as Kalyn wrapped his other arm around me.

"She's okay baby."

I cried & looked down at myself.

I shouldn't have been at a stupid music festival, I should have been at home looking after MY baby. She's MY responsibility. How could I be so dumb to make someone else look after her? THAT'S WHAT I'M SUPPOSED TO DO. I'm her mom.

Kalyn kissed my forehead and the nurse came over to us.

"Lottie parents?"

"That's us. Is she okay?"

"She's just woken up actually, we thought she might like to see some familiar faces." The nurse smiled at us, leading us to her room.

"You go honey." Tara said, letting go of Kay's hand when he looked at her to make sure she'd be okay by herself.

We got to the room and she was in the little incubator box.

The tears spilled down my face & I put my hands in the holes.

"Hi Lots." I cried, as she grabbed onto my finger.

"Oh baby." Kalyn sighed, rubbing her leg.

"No cuts or bruises?" I asked the nurse and she smiled, shaking her head.

"No, the other car only got the front of your car. She was just a little shaken up but other than that she's fine."

"And what about my dad?"

"He got a little glass in his chest & eye from the windscreen shattering, so he underwent surgery to remove it, he should be out soon."

Kalyn nodded & I sighed.

"Can she come home?" I asked the nurse, still with my finger inside holding her little hand.

"Yeah, we just had to check over her." She said, opening the incubator and I grabbed Lottie out.

I sighed & rested her on my chest, kissing her head.

"Thank god." I mumbled, hugging her close to me.

"You're alright Lots. Daddy's here." Kalyn whispered, kissing her cheek and rubbing her back.

"Let's go see your mum."

Kalyn nodded & we walked back out to the waiting room.

"Oh god darling, I'm so glad she's okay." Tara sighed, kissing her forehead.

I sighed and hugged her, as she cried on my shoulder.

"God I'm so sorry B, I don't know what to say. I'm so so sorry, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, look she's okay. I just want Mark to be okay now."

"You must hate us, I'm so disgusted in myself."

"Hey, I'm not. You can't help these things happening. Lottie is okay, as long as Mark is okay once he's awake, we haven't lost anything, and that's what's important."

"Well, as soon as we wake tomorrow I'll go buy another car for you. I can't believe how stupid this was."

"Don't stress about the car, that's why we have insurance & I'm not worrying about any of that at the moment. And I definitely don't blame you or Mark for this happening, okay?"

She sighed & nodded, hugging me again.

"You just make sure your husband gets better. That's all we want from you."

"How did my son end up with someone as beautiful as you?" She sighed, hugging us both.

"We're both pretty lucky." I sighed, kissing him.

I held Lottie's head and swayed side to side.

She had her thumb in her mouth and I smiled.

"Hungry baby?" I mumbled, ready to pull my boob out and feed her.

"No baby, you've got alcohol in your system." Kalyn sighed, grabbing her from me as she sucked on his chest.

"I'll take her home if you wanna stay here with your mom and dad?" I said, rubbing his cheek.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." He sighed, kissing Lottie's forehead & then mine.

"I'll be home later baby. I love you."

"I bloody love you."

I sighed & hugged Tara goodbye, then got a cab home.

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