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"Let's go Kiwis!" We cheered from the stands and the boys finished the Haka.

"That's your daddy out there baby." I laughed, seeing her eyes widen at me.

I cheered and held her close to my chest, she was looking more like Kalyn everyday.

"Let's go Ponga!" Someone chanted and our whole side of the stadium joined in.

I grabbed my phone out and recorded them all around us.

Must feel so good hearing half a stadium chant your name.

I smiled and put the camera on Lottie & I.

"We love you daddy." I cheered, holding her to the screen & tagging Kalyn in it.

The game started and the boys kicked off.

"Kiwis!" The crowd chanted and the atmosphere was insane tonight.

"The boys have got this for sure." Mark said, nodding at the game.

"Well they've definitely got the crowd." I laughed, hearing them still chanting.

"Yeah, that'll get them going."

I grinned and the boy's were leading 24-4.

It got to halftime & they went back to the dressing room.

Tara held Lottie in the air as the boy's got announced out & came out.

"Number 1 Kalyn Ponga!" The guy yelled and Kay came up on the big screen, holding his arms up & running out.

I got a photo of the back of Lottie in the air with her Ponga shirt on & him on the screen in front of her.

The best photo ever.

Everyone cheered and I grinned.

God what a guy.
He amazed me everyday.

They introduced the rest of the team and the boys stayed in the lead.

"He's setting it up here." Mark mumbled & I grinned.

"Two step." Mark kept mumbling things and I laughed.

Him & Kalyn were always planning plays.

"Go mate!" He cheered & Kay pushed through the defence and crossed the line.

"Yes baby!" I yelled & his team grabbed him, celebrating.

I cheered with the crowd & they started back up again & I smiled.

"Go again baby, come on." I mumbled, seeing Lottie yawn and close her eyes.

He was playing so good tonight.

He went to wing and I grinned.
Here we go.
This is it.

The ball was slowly making its way to him & the crowd went silent.

"What are they doing?" Tara asked, watching them.

"Just wait." Mark grinned.

He finally got it and sped past the other players, sliding over the line.

"Yes!" I yelled, as the crowd all stood going crazy.

The cheers were so loud & I smiled.

That's my baby's daddy.
That's my soon to be husband.
I've never been prouder of him than I am right now.

The hooter went off and we checked out the score.

We cheered and the boys all huddled with eachother chanting.

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