You're back & I'm out

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I stood in the airport waiting for the team to walk back in the door.

I looked down at my watch and grinned.
He really needs to hurry up.

The doors opened and I seen some of the team starting to walk out.

Hurry up Kalyn.

He finally walked out and smiled at me, walking over.

"Hi baby." He whispered, kissing me and wrapping his arms over my shoulders.

"Hi, so I've gotta tell you something."

"Hi my baby girl." He mumbled, grabbing Lottie out of the pram.

"God I missed you baby, I can't wait for some daddy cuddles."

"Oh good, so back to what I've gotta tell you." I said, looking down at my watch again.

"Mm, what's up?"

"Well, after last night, after we texted, I was kinda mad. So I actually booked a trip to Bali."

"What? In the middle of footy season?"

"Oh wait, I said that wrong. I booked a girls trip to Bali with Stef and Aria."


"Yeah, I was super mad at you so I was like, you know what, I'm gonna go have some fun too, just in another country."

"Babe I didn't do anything with those girls, even ask the guys."

"Yeah I believe you, but I wanna get blackout drunk to the point where I can't remember anything too." I laughed, looking at the clock on the wall.

"You can do that here with me."

"But Bali sounds more fun, and you always make me stop anyways before I get bad."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed his bag.

"We'll talk about this when we get home."

"Mm, we actually can't. My flight leaves in 45 minutes." I laughed, seeing his eyes widen.

"You booked it to leave today?"

"I surely did baby, lucky you're so excited for all those daddy cuddles huh? She all yours for the week." I laughed, kissing Lottie & putting my arm around his neck for a kiss.

"Are you fucking joking right now?"

"I'm not." I grinned, pressing my lips on his, putting my other hand on his cheek.

I pulled away and kept my lips close to his.

"Maybe if you're lucky I'll send you some pics." I whispered, running my finger on his lips.


I put my lips up to his ear and grinned.

"Fuck with me again Kalyn, I dare you." I whispered, pulling away and kissing Lottie again.

"Bye babies, have a good week." I laughed, grabbing my bag and walking into security.

He's got no idea how bad I can get.

I seen the girls and walked over to them as Aria squealed.

"I feel like we couldn't have planned this better."

"Yes, come at a good time, we all need this." Stef laughed, as our coffees come over.

"To the girls." I laughed, clinking my coffee with theirs.

"I am so fucking excited."

"You and me both." I laughed, "I'm just excited that my boobs aren't gonna be used as a dairy cow for the next week."

The girls laughed & we finally boarded the plane.

"Kalyn texted?"

"Not yet, I kinda left him gobsmacked." I laughed, remembering his face after I whispered in his ear.

"Ha I bet." Stef laughed, as we all got buckled in.

"Let's get it Bali." Aria cheered & we all joined her.

This was gonna be fun as fuck.

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