Mr Kelly

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I was back home after a week away for Bek's wedding & was going back to work today.

"Hey Lisa, long time no see."

"Hey sis, I know. How was Bek's wedding?"

"It was amazing. How's work been?"

"So crap." She laughed & I grinned, walking into Mr Kelly's room, a little old man who was my absolute favourite patient.

"Hi Mr Kelly. How are you?"

"Bailee, how lovely to see you again."

"You're looking good, the girls been taking care of you?"

"They're almost as good as you."

I smiled & gave him his tray of breakfast.

"I've missed your compliments. I've actually got some news for you."

"What's that?" He said, opening his plate.

"I met a guy while I was away."

"That's nice, what's his name?"

"Kalyn. He actually plays in the NRL."

"Oh, that young boy with the tattoos?"

"That sounds like him yeah." I laughed & he smiled.

"How lovely, does he treat you well?"

"Yeah, he lives three hours away from here though." I sighed, sitting in the chair beside him.

"If it's right you'll make it work."

I smiled & we kept talking & catching up from the time I've been away.

I stayed with him for a little while then left, to see the rest of my patients for the day.

"So, I hear you're seeing Kalyn Ponga." Lisa laughed, sitting beside me as I ate my lunch.

"Mr Kelly?"

She nodded & I laughed, shaking my head.

"Yeah, having a bit of fun."

"You're so lucky, he's gorgeous."

I nodded & my phone dinged.

"Is that him?"

I checked my phone & nodded, seeing his text.

"Hey, I've got the whole of next week off training if you feel like coming out? Miss you."

"He's inviting me to his place next week." I grinned & she smiled.

"Say yes."

"But I just took a week off."

"Who cares? The hospital is still gonna be here when you come back."

"You think I can get time off again?"

She nodded & I put in to take the week off on our rosters.

"Let's be real, I'm not letting you stay here even if it doesn't get approved. My girl is with Kalyn Ponga." She cheered & I grinned.

"He's amazing." I sighed, smiling at the thought of seeing him again.

"No need to rub it in my face." She laughed, stealing my chips.

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