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Today was the day.
I will be Mrs Ponga by this afternoon.
Holy moly.
It came around so quick.

I looked at my sister & the girls.

They all had their bridesmaid dresses on and I smiled.

"You all look amazing." I smiled, hugging them all.

I walked into the closet with my stylist and she helped me get into my dress.

She applied some make up to my chest and I smiled.

I couldn't be happier with how I look.
She got everything right that I wanted in my dress.

It was embroided and tight, flowing loosely at the bottom. It had a slit down the centre showing a small amount of my boobs and little diamonds on the patterns. It was gorgeous.

"Oh honey, you might just be one of the most beautiful brides I've ever seen."

I smiled and a tear slid out of my eye.

"Thank you so much for this, I'm in love."

She smiled and hugged me, helping me to walk out to show my family.

"I need to try not to cry."

She smiled and opened the door for me as I walked out.

Everyone looked up at me and they all had tears in their eyes.

"Oh honey." My mom sighed, wrapping her arms around me.

"Baby, you look so beautiful." My dad cried, hugging me & kissing my forehead.

I smiled and wiped my own, so much for not crying.

I looked at my sister, Aria & Stef.

"Girl you look so good." Aria grinned, as they all hugged me.

My sister was my maid of honour and the other two were my bridesmaids.

"Let's get you married." Bek grinned, holding my hand and walking me to the hallway.

"He's gonna melts when he sees you." Stef whispered, kissing my cheek.

We walked down to the entrance to outside and I seen everyone sitting down.

I looked over and seen Kalyn straightening his tux out.

He made me the happiest girl in the world.

He looked at his groomsmen and I smiled.

His brothers were all beside him and I grinned at him.

They were saying something to him and he nodded, waving to some of the kids that were walking around the gardens.

What a perfect human I got.

"You ready honey?" My wedding planner asked, and I sighed.

"I'm ready." I said & she nodded, smiling & said something into her headpiece.

The music played and the girls each hugged me, then walked out.

Bek went just before me & held Lottie, who was dressed in her own little white dress.

"Bye baby, I love you, I'll see you with daddy." I whispered, kissing her forehead.

"It's time hun." My dad smiled through his tears and I tried to blink mine back.

"Don't cry dad or you'll make me too & I've got way too much make up on to look like a mess right now."

He smiled and kissed my forehead as we left the building and walked into the gardens.

Everyone stood up and I sighed.

I squeezed my dads hand and looked forward.

I didn't even look at anyone in the seats, all I could see was the man who would be my husband.

He smiled & tears slipped down his face as Mickey put his hand on his shoulder.

I smiled & a tear slid down mine too, seeing him cry made me cry.

He wiped his eyes and I got to him.

"Hi baby." I whispered, after my dad shook his hand.

"Look after her always mate." He said, making Kalyn nod at him.

"Yes sir." He grinned, looking back down at me.

"You look so beautiful baby." He whispered, grabbing my hand.

I smiled and he wiped his eyes again.

The ceremony started and I couldn't take my eyes off him.

"It's now time for the vows." The lady said & I sighed, grabbing my paper out.

My dad brought Lottie up to Kalyn and he held her as I spoke.

I looked up at them both and smiled, kissing her forehead.

"Kalyn, ever since I met you I knew I wanted to be with you. You're handsome, kind-hearted, supportive & the most amazing father to Lottie. I will forever be grateful I got to spend my life with you, supporting you to accomplish everything you've ever wanted out of life & to keep making beautiful babies with you. You are one in a million & I will never ever take you for granted. I still remember the first night I met you, we argued over the thermostat temperature & you said to me, 'We'd make a pretty good team.' I wanna be apart of this Ponga team for as long as I live & I want to always stay in this bubble with you that we're in right now. I love you & I will forever love you." I finished and he wiped his eyes, kissing my forehead.

He handed me Lottie & I had her on my hip as he sighed.

"Bailee & Lottie, my two favourite girls in the world. Nothing has ever made me happier than standing up here in front of you & marrying you both. Everything I do in life is for you girls, because at the end of the day my job is to protect & love you both always. I promise to always kiss you both good morning & night, to always support you both in whatever you do in life & to always protect you from anything. My biggest achievement was becoming a dad to you Lots & I wouldn't change it for the world." I wiped my tears and Lottie sucked her thumb looking up at him.
"B, nothing has ever pulled at my heart more than seeing you be a mom to her. The day you went into labour I was so nervous, there's no handbook on how to be a parent, & even while you were going through the pains & the pushing, you supported me. You told me it would all be okay & how amazing of a dad I was gonna be. That was when I knew you were one of the strongest women I knew. You are one of my biggest inspirations in life & I'm so glad our little girl has someone like you to look up to. You look so damn beautiful in that dress & I cannot believe how lucky I am to be looking at my two beautiful girls while our family and friends watch us commit to each-other for life. You will always be my biggest supporters and I promise to always be yours. I love you both with everything in me."

I wiped my tears and he grabbed Lots off me again.

I grabbed his other hand that wasn't holding her and she laid her head on his shoulder.

Mickey poked his tongue out at her from behind Kalyn and I smiled. She grabbed his finger and I laughed as she tried to eat it.

Kalyn handed her to Mickey and he grinned, keeping her occupied.

We switched our rings and I smiled.
Almost there.

"I now pronounce you husband & wife. Kalyn, you may kiss your bride."

He grinned and held my cheeks as he pressed his lips on mine.

I smiled and everyone cheered, making him grin.

"We're married baby!" He cheered, spinning me around.

"I love you so much." I laughed, as he kissed my forehead.

"I love you more baby girl, you're my everything."

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