• Diary Of A Teenage Loner

Start from the beginning

"I am not mooning. I'm not even thinking about her!"

"You totally are." She stood up, taking the cigarette from his hand so she could take a generous drag on it herself, as she contemplated the situation. "Even if she wasn't going to prom with Kevin, it's not as if you'd ask her....would you?"

Arthur shifted his weight from one foot to the other; his antsy demeanour displaying his unease and dislike for having to discuss such a sensitive subject.

"Of course not."

"Then why keep thinking about it? About her? Why d'you keep tormenting yourself like this?"

"I'm not thinking about her." He insisted, taking the cigarette she proffered to him. "I don't know why you think I am. You say I'm obsessed, but it looks to me like you're the one with the obsession."

Arthur's words stung. Like a knife that had cut a little too close to the bone for comfort.

(y/n) wasn't obsessed with Shannon Clark.
No. She was obsessed with Arthur himself, which meant that she secretly harboured a grudge against Gotham City High's most popular female student.

Everything about Shannon was boringly stereotypical. She was a walking, living, breathing cliché. She was a cheerleader, beauty pageant winner, homecoming queen, and had recently started dating Kevin Hudman; the schools resident jock, and head of the football team.

They were a match made in high school heaven.

Hell, to those like Arthur and herself.

God. It pained (y/n) to see Arthur pining after a girl who never gave him so much as a second glance; save for the times he got accosted in the hallway by a member of her clique. Then she would laugh cruelly at his expense.

(y/n) was in despair.
Shannon didn't deserve Arthur's heart. She didn't want it, but like a young fool in love he still yearned for her in spite of everything she did, and everything she was.

"Why would I be obsessed with Shannon fucking Clark. I can't stand her!" (y/n) grumbled, irritated by his blindness.

How could he be so blinkered? It was totally beyond all of her comprehension.

"I do have a life of my own, Art." She added, tersely. "I couldn't care less about Shannon and her cronies. I have other, more important stuff, on my mind."

"Oh yeah, like what?" He raised an inquisitive eyebrow in disbelief, a faint smile quirking his lips.

This was it. She had his attention now. All she had to do was play it cool, and not blow it.

"Well, prom obviously."

"Prom? You mean you actually want to go?" He sounded incredulous, which riled her a little.

"Yeah I do actually. I never said that I didn't. I think it could be fun. Don't you?"

Arthur shook his head, a disdainful look adorning his neat features. "I think I'd rather chew broken glass."

Ah. Okay. Well that was that then. With that short sentence all of (y/n)'s dreams were dashed. There was no hope of them going to prom together; not even just as friends.

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