Thirty minutes isn't a long enough measure of time to really do anything together. I hand wash my delicates, blushing the entire time, while he is actually being sweet and standing on the other side of the room. Before we know it, half an hour is gone, and it's time to move that laundry to the dryer, and the next load into the washer.

Now we have more time so we go and sit in the smaller living area with the television, although neither of us reach over for the remotes to turn it on. I lean against his shoulder and drowsily blink. I only rouse fully a few moments later when just leaning against his shoulder doesn't seem to be enough contact for him. He pulls me onto his lap. I react on instinct by immediately leaning fully into his frame. It's easy just to relax in the moment and enjoy the elevated level of comfort that being in his arms, like this, provides. It's when his hands brush my hair back, and his lips trail a path against the nape of my neck that my awareness of him skyrockets. The gentle touch against that sensitive spot on my body causing goosebumps to erupt all over my flesh, despite the heat and humidity.

"Daisy, love?" His lips hover above my skin as he whispers to me. The barely there touch somehow stroking the embers that seem to always be simmering within me around them.


His lips pull away, and I immediately mourn the loss of their touch. "You said you would get back to exercising, but you haven't yet."

"Hm. Yeah, I suppose I've been slacking." He's not wrong. I should probably start up the regimen that I had prescribed myself with.

"I have an idea." I feel the tingling sensation that his long tapered fingers leave behind as they graze against the skin his lips vacated. Reminding myself again of how I somehow knew, without being told, that he would have a talented touch.

"Oh?" I don't even know how focused I am on the words he is saying right now. How can he form complete thoughts when I feel like with barely a touch my brain has gone to mush?

"I think we should eat a small meal. Just a snack really to tie us over; it's too hot for much else, and once the first load of laundry is folded and put away we should go take a dip in the pool."

Hmm. That idea sounds heavenly. Originally I was wanting to wear my new bikini when they were all around, but something about the moment made me decide then and there to ditch my barely hatched out plans. Hobi may be shepherding our moment together, but that doesn't mean I have to simply fall in line like a sheep. I may be coy but I'm not completely fearful. Or at least I am taking the opportunity to not be. I give myself a mental pep talk. Then, I nod instead of verbally answering. Somehow a tad embarrassed although I know I have no reason to be around him.

We work side by side chopping up fresh ingredients for a simple salad. To appease his sweet tooth I choose to make it a berry salad. Spinach being the base. I add strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries to the mix. (I would also add chicken if I had any pre-cooked and cold in the refrigerator.) I make a balsamic vinaigrette to go with.

Once we are done with our salads the dryer has stopped so we once again work side by side folding my laundry. There is something exceptionally pleasant about doing these trivial chores together. Homey really. I suppose this is probably that level of normalcy he was wanting.

He leaves my room to get changed. I quickly turn to change myself. Afterward adjusting to make sure the fit is perfect. Then putting on a pair of shorts and coverup. I consider braiding my hair, but that would make him have to wait longer, and I really don't want that. There's a knock on my door.

"Daisy, I am going to go ahead and head down." He speaks through the physical separation between us.

"Kay, I'll be down soon. Just have to grab a few things." I make quick work of packing up a beach bag with necessities for being in the sun and pool.

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now