𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐲 𝐄𝐱𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝟐)

Start from the beginning


Zane's POV

I can't believe we're actually in front of the door. "Brutal or Approachable?", Jabari asked, standing beside me. "Brutal and no mask.", I said while removing my clown mask from my face. Jabari removed his mask as well. We both heard the door being unlocked."Remember this brutal and eliminate any interferences brother.", I said to Jabari said. He nodded his head. The door was slowly opening up. Jabari and I had our guns out and ready. "Stay ready and alert.", I said.


Dalvin's POV

I opened up the door and I saw two tall men that looked alike. I think they're identical twins. "Who is it, baby?", Kaylan said getting up. "I don't know Do you know them?", I asked. I let Kaylan see them and she said a frown on her face. "Aubrey has a twin? Now it makes sense. Lemme tell Zhen.", she said going towards the kitchen. "Well sorry yall. I guess they don't wanna se-", I said before I was interrupted.

Zane's POV

I couldn't hold my emotions any longer. So while Dalvin was talking, I raised my gun up and shot him in the stomach, chest, and arms. After I did that, he fell to the ground bleeding and gasping for air.  We invited ourselves inside of Zhen's house. "Go for Zhen now.", I said. 

Kaylan's POV

As I was going to the kitchen to see Zhen, I heard loud gunshots and a heavy thud. I turned around and saw Dalvin on the ground with blood leaking from him. I also saw that Aubrey or his twin stand in front of Dalvin while the other twin was coming towards the kitchen. I couldn't decide if I wanted to get Dalvin help or get Zhen and Devante to hiding.

I knew what I had to do.  I ran into the kitchen and grabbed Zhen and Devante. "What's going on and what was that loud noise?", Zhen asked. "Don't talk so loud. Those were gunshots and Dalvin's hurt.", I whispered. I motioned them both to get down and hide underneath the kitchen table so Aubrey or his twin couldn't see us. "Where's Dalvin at?", Devante whispered. 

"He's laid out at the front door. One of them shot him and he's badly wounded. We need to figure out a way to not get shot and to get them out of the house.", I whispered. "Maybe we can-", Zhen said before I covered her and Devante's mouth. 

Jabari's POV

Damnit. I just saw Kaylan run in here. Where could she have gone that quickly? "Kaylan?", I said. "Kaylan? Where are you hiding?", I yelled. "Did you get Zhen, Jabari?", Zane asked. "No, not yet, Zane. I didn't see Zhen. I just saw Kaylan run in here after you shot Dalvin. I don't know where she went.", I said. "Okay. Let's check in here first and then we'll check everywhere else.", Zane said.

Devante's POV

 As we listened to the twins talk, I finally learned their real names. Kaylan finally released her hands across our mouths and motioned us to stay quiet. Zhen and I both nodded our heads. I pulled out my phone and made sure my phone was on do not disturb and silent. Then I began texting on my notes. Once I was done, I passed my phone to Kaylan and we started texting silently as the twins were searching.

Our Messages

Me: Wtf are we gonna do?

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