an author update

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Hello everyone, it's me.

I know it's been a while since I updated any of my stories but there's a reason why.

I said before that my mental health was dropping...but then it just kept getting WORSE & WORSE.

I felt (& still do feel) bad about myself and wanted things that can't be really said on here. I felt ashamed about my mental health getting worse than before. I've been trying to get help even MORE professional help but I wouldn't get any responses back and it was really frustrating. The many thoughts I had in my head were negative and pessimistic. I mean they still are...but not as much.

This is not meant to be a pity party about me. This is just a real-life update on me and my reasonings for not updating and keeping my word. Everyone's mental health is sacred and needs to be taken care of delicately. So if you ever feel like you're extremely down or experiencing a depressive episode...please try or attempt to seek professional help. Everyone deserves to live whether their brain is slowly convincing them they don't.

I can't guarantee how much I'll be updating these stories (due to me literally trying a 180 on myself) but I can guarantee that I will continue updating these stories.

This is such a depressing update now that I'm typing it lol. But this update is better than ppl assuming I'm dead or moved ( yes, this has happened before). Hopefully, things will get better but as of right bts once said... life goes fucking on chile.

Thxs for reading this update. Please look forward to my updates if you're STILL interested in my outdated ass books. 

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