I immediately heard the animated environment as soon as I stepped outside. The ecosystem was in full bloom. A bird swiftly zoomed passed my eye, soaring up into the cloudless sky. Hua Er casually walked next to me, squinting her eyes. 

        My eyes were also adjusting to the light. It was a beautiful day outside, no doubt about it, and I couldn't help but laugh. While Hua Er and I walked, I continued to laugh, even pausing my step to take a whiff of fresh air. Then bursting in uncontrollable laughter. My maids in the back, looked at each other in confusion but smiled earnestly at my outburst.

        Hua Er chuckled hesitantly, as perplexed as my maids, but I continued to laugh. My eyes closed and all I could see was red. My mouth was wide open, continuously producing the sounds of amusement and pure joy. 

        "Milady, are you alright?" Snoopy asked. 

         I opened my eyes and looked at her. She looked at me with her eyebrows slanting up, her tone sounded as concerned as everyone around me. 

         After one last giggle, I gave a nod. "I don't know! Just, after all of this! After all of the bewildering punishment I received and—I don't know! After everything! I'm still alive! I'm free, I'm—" 

        It was Guan Shu's turn to slightly laugh, gradually increasing each time her throat emitted noise. We both looked stupid. We both looked as if we took herb hallucinogens and were finally feeling the effects of it. 

         Pure liberation; the breath of fresh air was not enough to fill me up. 

        "You two are going crazy," Hua Er shook her head, smiling. "But I like to see you happy, Guan Shu."

        Guan Shu sighed with relief and shook her head, still holding a bright smile. "Ah, it feels good to be happy."

         We walked silently after the chaotic thrills of laughter until resting upon a large pavilion. The sun was shining and we sought shade.  

         "But this is only what I've heard! You must keep this a secret or else—" an Imperial Concubine was shaking her hands frantically, her eyes widened without a blink and her eyebrows were almost reaching her forehead. 

        "What secret?" I asked, cocking an eyebrow in intrigue. I strutted towards them. The sunlight was gone from my face, and now, it was duller under the roof. 

         Almost instantly, the girls turned to look at me. Their eyes widened, and they bowed hesitantly. They stayed in their place even after seconds. 

         The Imperial Concubine shook her head, I could see her lips trembling. Her head was dipped, and her eyes avoided mine. "Lady Ying Yue... I-I'm not allowed to—"

        "Why not?" I asked as I smoothly folded my arms across my chest. They looked as if they'd seen a ghost, and I couldn't blame them. It felt as if everyone was out to get me at all times. I knew it was wrong but I was unable to push back the thought that they were gossiping about me.

        Another one of the concubines whispered in her ear. The Imperial Concubine looked up at me. All of them fixed their posture. They looked and remained neutral towards me.

        "W-Well, I overheard that one of the officials is going to get rid of His Majesty," the Imperial Concubine paused before speaking again, "But, I might have had the wrong context..."

        She looked at me, waiting for my response. She looked like she was lost in my face when she stared at me. I got a little creeped out. I walked closer to her. "What did he say? Word for word."

The Empress Wears GucciOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant