Chapter 18: A Student's Duty(Part 1)

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"Good Morning Everyone..!" Mr. Gustav greeted. Season changed to summer. You can see the very fact that we have change our uniform to the summer one. "I know that you are all excited for summer, because if you say summer...?" Mr. Gustav said. "Beach...!" The class up roared. "Well, I'm sure you all are excited about that, but....What I am talking about is Royal Battle..!" Mr. Gustav said.

Royal Battle, it is a tournament which consists 3 battle. First off, is Horse-riding. It is held usually with same years battling. So it comes off with about 5 to more batches. Well, it is usually held for 2 days. The venue has 4 trails, including the normal trail, as the starting point. The first one is entitled Lost Forest, it was known to be the forest where a lot of players have disappeared or so. Next one is, Utopia, a never ending sight of day with a flower field, in the sides of the path. The last trail is also a normal trail that has the same structure as the first one.

The second battle is, Chivalry, where students are to fight 1v1. Each student is assigned in one of the 5 blocks. In those 5 blocks, 8 rounds are held day by day. After that, the last battle to assign the finalist will be held in two days or three.

The last battle is, Cavalry, where 3 players carry a student with the bandana in head. The main goal of the battle is to steal off many bandanas, and win.

Although, before that Royal Battle, a very, very trouble thing awaits us and that is the test...

As soon as classes Homeroom ended, Gino sighed, as he laid his head on the table, while grumbling. "What's wrong Gino?" Unusually, Kirt was wide awake, as he asked Gino. "Well...." Gino mumbled. "Aren't you glad, that the next class became a study hall?" Reina asked. The next 2 class periods were made study hall, due to the sudden meeting of the teachers. Well, it's probably a preparation prior to tests. "Of course I am glad, although for the fact that it is for the upcoming test, my energy just decrease and turns futile...." Gino sighed. I laughed. "Sheesh, what the heck happened to your Knight's Pledge? Doesn't a knight need to be intelligent, and wise?" Forth said. "Well, yeah..." He sighed once again. "Alright, how' bout we go to the library and study...!" Gino said. "That's the spirit...!" Reina said, as he praised the comeback of Gino's energy.

"I said, we'll study, but where the heck do we need to study?" Gino mumbled, as he twirled his pen around. "Then, how about we start from the subject that everyone is weak at..." Anna suggested. "Oh, Good idea Anna, then guys let's state our weak subject at the same time! One two...!" Gino said. I, Forth and Reina remained quiet, while Anna said Magic, with Gino saying all except for History and Magic. Kirt remained sleeping, as usual. "Well, I can teach you about Magic, Anna-chan..." Gino said. "Thanks Gino-kun and I'm also fairly bad at History, so can you teach me that too?" Anna said. "Alright!" Gino said. "I can teach Anna myself...there's no guarantee that you can do better Gino..." Reina glared at him, as if she felt like Gino tried to steal her best friend. "Sheesh..." Gino pouted. "Then, I'll be the one teaching Gino, then..." Forth said. "Okay..." I agreed. "Ah, this was where you are..." Russell appeared. "Yo, where were you?" I asked. "A bit in the infirmary...I helped Ms. Helen carry some stuffs..." Russell said. "I see..." I nodded. "Hey, Russell is there some subjects that you're weak at...?" Gino asked. "Well, I think I'm average about academics, so nope, I guess..." Russell said. "Tsk, I envy you guys..." Gino said. Russell chuckled.

I left the library, as I felt that I was kinda bit of a burden there. Reina was teaching Anna, while Russell and Forth was trying to cram knowledge on Gino's muscle head. Meanwhile, Kirt who always get high grades, remained there, as he slept after reading a book, it seems that everything is kinda bothersome for him. Well, I had high hopes when I saw him wide awake at first, though. What should I do? I left the library. Well I'm kinda used to tests, like what Fiore always gives me. So, studying is kinda...Ah, why don't I go around the school, now that I think of it, I haven't seen much of the school. Alright, decided I'll go roam around...!

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