Chapter 12: I'll name you....

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       "Now, the introductions have ended, I will give you an exercise. And that is summoning your own familiar" Sir Gustav said which brought excitement to us and nervousity to others. "First of all, do you guys know what a familiar is?" He asked. Forth raised his hand. "Yes Forth-kun..." Mr. Gustav called him. "A familiar is a creature from another realm that is summoned and tamed to be similar to a slave by the person who summoned them" He said. Finally, the interesting thing I was expecting.

"We will be summoning your own familiars today" Sir Gustav said. And so the scene skips to the training hall. "OK then, who will be gladly to volunteer himself to summon his familiar...," Sir Gustav asked. I step forward. "Me sir" I said. "Hmm, your highness, I see" He grinned.

"I am thee, thou art I. Let the chains of time break, thus connecting thy fate with mine. Let thy heart decide for thee. What is the purpose of thy existence? I shalt give thee. Come forth...!" I said, as I used my Ether to summon a magical creature. Whether it was a beast or an angel, I was thrilled to see it. A strong gust of wind, enough to throw us all away from the center of the training hall occurred over the magic circle, in front of me.

As I opened my eyes, I saw a silver dragon in front of me. "D-dragon...!" A student exclaimed, as the dust scattered by the strong gust of wind disappeared. "Hmm, well, next is the naming ritual your highness, don't you need to give it a purpose?" Gustav said, as he chuckled seeing the dragon in front of me. "Ah, right..!" I agreed, as I looked back on the dragon.

"The name thee shalt bestow is thy treasure. It will make a pact between us. I am thy master. I shalt name thee.....Fafnir!" I said, as I remembered the name of the dragon in the Norse mythology, Fafnir. Well, he was originally a dwarf, though after being affected by a curse, he became a dragon.

As I casted the name, a sigil appeared on its neck. Sigil is a symbol that represents the pact created between the master and the familiar. Well, it is similar to the stamp which is seen on documents, to approve some projects.

After naming it, "Fade...!" I said, causing the familiar to stay in their master's shadow, and summoned once again, when their name is called. In cases that a master dies, the familiar appears outside of the master's shadow, and wanders off the world, to look for a new master so it can maintain its existence. Usually, it stays for 20 years, after their master dies.

As Fafnir disappeared, I went to one of the benches in the training hall, as the next one followed after me to summon theirs.

Next to me was Forth, he tilted his glasses, before he chanted the spell to summon a familiar. A serpent eating its own tail appeared. "The name thee shalt bestow is thy treasure. It will make a pact between us. I am thy master. I shalt name thee.....Ouroborous!" Forth said, as the sigil appeared on the serpent's forehead.

"Ouroborous...!" I thought, as I nearly jump off the bench. Ouroboros is the name of a serpent that eats its own tail, which signifies infinity. It lives, despite the fact that it's eating its own tail. Well, it also signifies the cycle of birth and death. I sighed, as I saw Forth coming towards, after his familiar faded, into his shadow.

Next was Gino. After chanting a dog or perhaps a wolf with three heads appeared. "Oh, a very cool one..!" I jolted as I thought so. As I expect him to, he named it Cerberus. It is the name of a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving.

After Gino, Russell followed, and a giant carrying a scale appeared. Since it was a scale he named it Libra. For Libra was known to have a scale as its symbol. It is a Zodiac sign.

Next to Russell, was Reina, as she fluttered her hair, she chanted the spell. A winged horse appeared which she named Pegasus. It is the name of a mythical winged divine horse, and one of the most recognized creatures in Greek mythology, usually depicted as pure white.

After her was Ana. Even though she was shivering like a newborn puppy, she stood in front and volunteered. I'm kinda proud of her. As she chanted the spell, she kinda bit her tongue for the parts with Old English. The result of her hard work had summoned an angel. She named it Eve. "Why Eve..?" I nearly asked. I didn't think of any reason besides the fact that it was the name of Adam's counterpart.

The last to summon his familiar was Kirt. He lazily chanted the spell. A shadow appeared. "Kage...!" Kirt shouted, as he the sigil appeared on the shadow's head, or I guess shadows don't have any specific head, because it changes shape. I sighed, as he went to the benches after his familiar faded into his shadows like a shadow should. And Kirt went to sleep.

"Ok, now we're all done, you can go back to your dorms folks" Sir Gustav said and so class ended.

As I opened the door, I saw Russell. "Ah your highness, so you were my roommate" He said. "Seems so, Ed's fine Russell" I said. "I see I look forward living with you, Ed" he said and we shook hands.

A lot happen today, but everything was just in one day, what a surprise. I didnt knew that going to the capital academy can bring such things to my life. Maybe this was just the prologue of everything or already an epilogue of everything. It is unknown to me right now, but I'm sure that I will arrive to it, someday. Thus, that day may be a memorable day to me for sure. I will look back to this time, as I grinned peacefully and happily. For now, I shall rest and watch over this life of mine here in Exelia, as Edward.

In a forest not so far from the academy, a small tornado occurred. And a girl appeared before it. "It's been a while. I hope I can see onii-chan again..." She mumbled, and dispersed in the air. "Fwahh..." I yawned, and went to sleep. For some reason, I felt an intuition of encountering someone that will surely be the trigger of everything yet known by us.

The next day, I heard a rumor that seems to involve my intuition. They say that there was a ghost in the forest. There was a story I heard from the rumors. It says that, if you saw that girl she will possess you and use your body to go to her brother, or so they say. What a load crap, they're all 12 and still believing in things like that. Sheesh, kids these days surely seeks strange things, don't they? Well, I can also say that to myself too, though.

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