Chapter 9: Promise(Part 2)

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              "How are bonds formed?" I thought out of sudden, as I laid down my bed, gazing over the ceiling. Probably, this was the result of my doubt about losing someone, again.

As I was thinking, someone knocked over my door. "Comin'...!" I said, as I sprinted to the door. As I opened the door, suddenly Fiore grabbed it, making sure I won't close it, after I saw him. "Gehh...?!" I mumbled. "Yo, Ed....!" He said. "What do you want..?" I asked, as I desperately tried to close the door. "Well, since it's day off today, wanna hang out over the town?" He said, with a gleam on his eyes.

"Wow....!" I said, as I was amazed by the vast town shown before me. "Hmm, is it your first time out here?" He asked. "No, but it is my first time over this side of the town. Coz' I always went over the other side" I said, with gleam on my eyes. "I see...then, let me be your guide for today" He said, as he kneeled on the ground, offering his hand to me.

We went over a lot of places. Over the library, the church and more places. I was also having fun, instead of being pulled by Fiore, I ended up pulling him. "How's your day today, Ed?" He asked, as we sit over the stairs onto the river. "Hmm, very good...I guess" I grinned. "I'm glad to hear that. Then, for the conclusion of this day, why don't we fish a bit?" He said, as he stood. "Alright...!" I said, as I followed him.

"If only you told me that you had a motion sickness, probably I would call that off..." He said. "Probably, huh..?" I mumbled. "Well, the other bet was cancelled, because you fainted halfway. So...." He mumbled. I gulped, because I know where things will bring me to. "Hey, Ed why don't we make a bet, this time too, the loser gets to promise the winner one thing, what do you think?" he winked. Like I expected, things sure won't go the way I want it, won't it? "You really love such things, fine, I'm used to it" I said, as I threw the string of my rod, with bait for the fish, as Fiore also did the same.

We sat for an hour, waiting for the fish to hook over the bait. "You bored?" Fiore asked. "A bit..." I mumbled. "Then, why don't I tell you a story as we wait for the foolish fishes..." He chuckled. "All right, hope it's not a meaningless story, though..." I whispered. "It's not...!" He said, as he heard me, loud and clear.

"Did you knew, that everything in this world follows a certain cycle? Everything, including us humans, animals, things without souls and also this world..." He said. It was a very deep topic coming from him.

"For example, being born from his mother, the baby will soon turn into a toddler, soon becomes a teenager, and will later on become a fine adult. Then, that adult will be next to breed a child, who will follow this cycle once again.

Even, though they say that change is inevitable, this one thing is the only thing that remains the same. Well, even those times when a bad person do good deeds, and a good person do bad deeds, can also be a cycle, in other words.

And also, meeting others and parting with some, is also a part of a cycle. By meeting and knowing someone, someday you'll part with them. Although, the memories you've spent together will stay the same. In repeating this cycle, one can make his world large.

This world is very small for those who know it, and is large for those who are ignorant of it. Well, in any ways this world is big, especially when your world connects with someone's.....Listen, it is not us humans who create the world, but instead the world creates us. We just notice it later on that the world was big, as it made us adults...." Fiore said. All I could do was stay silent as I listened to him. Unlike the usual him, he was spouting logic instead of nonsense....

"Well, I am only repeating the same words, though...." He mumbled. "Whose words..?" I asked. "His words....E-Oh, this seems like a big one, Ed! Don't forget about the bet!" He said, as he pulled his rod. He cut the most intriguing part of his story, sheesh.
"Now, what are we going to do with this load of fishes?!" I said, as I panted, while we stand in front of the palace. "Well, it will be enough to be the stuck of the kitchen, by now. Come on, let's sprint to the kitchen" He said, as he carried his basket of fish. "Sheesh..." I sighed, as I followed him.

"Well, well, you didn't forget the bet right?" He said, with a grin, as we walked over the hallway. Yer was surprised to see a load of fish, it was a good thing he accepted it though. "Well, what the heck are you even planning to make me promise you?" I asked. He leaned down. "Promise me, that you won't hate me if I'll ever leave you..!" He said. "I already hate you, and it can't get any more worse, than now..." I said, as I smiled at him. "Thanks, you really are stubborn, aren't you?" he said, as he patted my head. "Stop..!" I shouted.

That time, I didn't noticed, that it was Fiore's own way of saying goodbye, his awkward and coward way. If I noticed it soon, I shouldn't have regretted everything, surely.

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