Chapter 5: Threshold(Part 2)

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         "Seven..." It was the title of the book that I pulled out of the bookshelves, as I succumb to my curiosity. I thought before opening the book. Why is it entitled seven? Now that I think about it, maybe it has something to do with the history of this world. Well, even though it is part of the history, it is also regarded as folklore.

The history was like this. There were 7 knights who wielded 7 sacred weapons which has its own individuality on its own ways. Using those sacred weapons they all wield, the 7 knights defeated the 7 great demons of deadly sins. Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Envy, Wrath, Sloth and Pride, these 7 one by one, as if it was one-sided, the 7 knights were able to defeat them all. Now, it was said that the 7 continents in this world, Exelia are those 7 demons of deadly sins. They were sealed by the 7 knights. As time passed they turned into normal lands, as if they were soil to begin with.

Stating such history, I feel like the number 7 is stuck in my head for better and for worse. Well, even so it is only an approximation, just one of the possibilities. But why is it...that, since I've touched this book, up to now. Am I feeling goose bumps? As if those goose bumps were impact of this book. And there is another thing, I think...this is just a mere speculation, but I think that I have seen this book, before. Not in a near past, but in a distant past, as distant as the endless blue sky.

"Ahem..."I cleaned my throat. I think it is time for me to stop these bothersome calculations, and start looking over it, or else my curiosity would explode, already. And so, I opened the book. I started walking through the turning point of my fate.

As I start flipping the pages of the book, there was a thought that crossed my mind. "I shouldn't have succumbed to my curiosity..."Yeah, right like I can turn my back, anymore. Why is it that I am shedding tears? Why is it that I can't remember anything? Now I think about it. Why is it that I don't remember anything about the events of my life, when I was 7 years old, as Hakuya Soraki? Why is my mind filled with this? It's becoming messed up, my memories are. "Grahhh!!!!" I shouted in pain, as my eyes shed tears. "Young master!" Zack mumbled. "Ed!" Thor also mumbled, as the two of them rushed to where I was.

I can't see anything, everything is pure black. I can't hear anything, it is silence everywhere. Where am I? Are my eyes closed? Is that the reason of this darkness? is pure black, even when I closed it or open it. Where the hell am I? "Are you lost?" A girl's voice called me from behind. As I turned her way, I saw nothing but light. "Where are you?" I asked. "I am here in your front...The fact that you can't see my physical body, means that you are filled with emotions you can't control, or maybe you don't know how to control it..." She said. "Emotions I can't control..." I mumbled, as I looked at my palms. "H-how can I get out of here?" said, as I looked at the light, while I put down my arms over my sides. "Don't worry; you will be able to get out soon... "He" will come to save you...Ah, look above..." She said, as I did so. I saw light above, more or less it looked like it was breaking the darkness around. I get the feeling that this darkness will come to an end, soon. Maybe that's why I looked down over the other light's way. "Uhm, before I go let me ask, w-who are you?" I said. I felt it smile a bit. No...that is wrong, I saw her smile. Her face was a bit vague; no it is not her face that is vague, but my memory. I know her; I just don't remember who she is. She looked at me...And said "That is my line, you...who are you?"

"Ugh!" I groaned, as I opened my eyes, a bit forcefully. I raised my right arm, to look at my palm. I couldn't remember the contents of the book, except for one line. "Thy emotion is what makest thy right now..."

When Maria who was sleeping beside me, with her eyes a bit swollen from crying, I guess, woke up, she called everyone. It seemed that I was asleep for three weeks. The reason was...

Zack and Thor came rushing to the second floor, just to see me surrounded with dark element. "Dark element?!" Thor said. "What is happening to Ed?" Zack mumbled.

After the two of them found me, it seemed that I kinda messed up the library unconsciously, as the two of them put up a pretty good fight. Suddenly, a red-haired man came out of nowhere, and came to heal me. The reason why I suddenly became raged like that was unknown. But it seemed like it has something to do with that one line, I remember. When that red-haired man checked it, it turned out to be just a normal book for others. The content everyone sees was off a normal recipe and history book. But in my and the red-haired man's eyes, it was a grimoier. A magic book in other words. Other than that, nothing came out of that book. Even so, the fact that "that" left off a big impact on me is unknown. And the fact that I suddenly thought about the events when I was 7 years old as Hakuya Soraki, is also unknown. Means all is left as a mystery.

"So, you are saying that there is a possibility it would happen again" Dad said. "Yes, knowing your son's mental state...I am sure of it" The red-haired man said. "Mental state?" Dad mumbled. "If my speculations are right, your not sure about his own memories..." He said.

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