Chapter XC: Tour Guide.

Start from the beginning

As far as Violet knew, she fell asleep in an abandoned house, waiting for her girlfriend to come get her, and then, next thing she knew, she woke up, standing in a golden elevator with clean white clothes on, her body wasn't sore anymore, and she didn't feel anything but relief. 

Violet held on to Clementine's hand, walking out of the elevator slowly, hoping she wouldn't fall through the floor. She swore she belonged in hell after everything she'd done with Minerva. 

She took her first step. Her foot quietly slapped against the white marble and she followed the brunette guiding her. 

Clementine looked back at Violet quickly before opening the door. 

"Welcome to heaven, Violet." Clementine cheesed, hoping she would get through to her, unlike Louis. "I'm so confused... Please, just tell me how I got here." 

"We can talk about that after the tour." Clementine looked at her with pity. She didn't need her to get riled up again. She just wanted Violet to see the good side of things for once. 

Violet nodded her head, continuing her walk, following in Clementine's footsteps. "We've been observing you for a while... You had a pretty normal life up until you met Minerva. We did our best to keep you alive, but you just wouldn't take a hint. Blinded by love, I should say." 

Violet let out a sigh, looking around. She took in all of her settings. Everything was clean and colorful. She began to accept the fact that she was in the afterlife. What else would they mean by "Welcome to heaven"? 

The streets were paved with gold, the houses were humongous, everyone was smiling, the sun was shining, there were no homeless people to be seen... It was perfect. 

"So... I'm dead...?" Violet stopped in her tracks, pulling her hand away from the curly-haired brunette. "Why am I not in hell? I've done so many fucked up things... I shouldn't be here." 

"Yeah... You're dead. We have everything you know and everything you did in storage. I run the storage department and the processing department. I determine where everyone goes and you just happened to make the cut. We all knew what was really going on." Clementine stood sternly, her hands placed on her hips as she looked Violet in her ocean green eyes with reassurance. 

"So, you know everything that I did? Everything I went through? " Violet questioned, stopping to sit on one of the benches in front of her. Clementine joined of course. "You know that idiot with the dreads at the front? That's Louis. He was your guardian angel. He recorded everything you did basically, except for intimate moments- or should I say sexual moments, because if we're being honest, there was nothing intimate about it- and he reported back to the storage unit." 

Violet turned red at the thought of someone always watching her, but she was still confused. She didn't understand how she made it to heaven. All her life she was taught that gay people go to hell because they don't follow the rules of god and the bible. She was certain that when her time came, she would be burning in lava. 

"Don't worry. He doesn't remember any of it. It comes from his memory, so, I'm really the only one who knows everything about you." Clementine chuckled, giving Violet a trusting smile, watching her face turn into a tomato. "I can show you if you'd like?" 


"As serious as a heart attack." 


"Here we have your stats, such as how happy you were, how many times you were in love, how many times you crossed deaths path but barely avoided it... all of that stuff," Clementine explained as she showcased the gigantic building. Violet was taken away by how big the place was and how many different people were being updated at once. 

"Can you read off some of my stats for me? If it's not against the rules?" Violet started to loosen up and give Clementine the benefit of the doubt. 

Clementine gave a smirk before she pulled up a screen with all of Violet's information. 

Violet gasped, her eyes practically popping open as wide as they could. 

"Name: Violet, Birthday:7/23/1996, Age: 24, Siblings: 6, Times avoided death: 187, Times in love:1 (first girlfriend.), Time of death: 9:54 pm, Cause of death: Murder; Minerva Leftmoore. And of course, there's much more, but that's all I can share at the moment."

"Minerva- that fucking asshole."

"Yeah. You have no idea how many times she set you up. It only never happened because her hitmen kept rescheduling. We tried to get you to leave, but you never took a hint." Clementine shrugged, swiping the screen away. "The longer you're here, the more you'll understand. Many more things will be revealed to you along the way. You'll make friends... have a house, maybe even a family. Who knows? You'll become your own person." 

"A family..? Do you guys know I like girls...?" Violet raised an eyebrow, hoping they didn't make a mistake. "Yeah, we know. Girls make families here too." Clementine cheesed, making her way out of the warehouse. "God loves us all the same. Except for legitimate assholes. You're only a minor asshole. Legit assholes go to hell."

"Well... can I curse here?" 

"I don't see why not. You've been doing it the entire time." Clementine giggled, looking back at the blonde with a smirk. "Do you have food here..? I'm starving."

Clementine kept that smirk planted. She thought Violet was pretty cute, so why not take a chance? 

"I mean, we can go grab some if you want. There are plenty more people to take care of tours." 

"I don't mean to take up all of your time- If you can't you don't have to-"

"Nope, it's a date." Clementine asserted before walking off, knowing the blonde would follow her like an adorable little puppy. 

"A date-"

This was the beginning of a true love story. Something sweet. Something that would last forever. There were so many people here, but one had already caught her attention. 

And that was Clementine. 


Only ten more chapters until I've done 100! I just wanna thank everyone for sticking around and supporting me... I really do appreciate it. ILY guys so much. Stay safe, wash your hands and drink a lot of water. 

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