"I'm only suggesting she let me do my job." Korain spoke through gritted teeth.

"Daisy, what did you do after you got out of the fitting room?" Namjoon asks me.

"I immediately told Korain that we might have a problem, but that we shouldn't discuss it in public. I paid for my purchases, we left, and I relayed what happened after we walked in the door."

"When did he start shouting at you?" Jk asks.

"Only after I got angry at him for not trying to understand my point of view and reasoning."

"Korain, have you called Han-bin yet?" Namjoon asks.

"No, not yet."

"Then come with me. We will call Sejin and have him get Han-bin so we can discuss the situation one time and not have to repeat it over and over again."

I sigh and sink further into the cushions of the couch. I glance over at Jk. He looks to still be wound up. I catch a glimpse of my bags that are still by the door. "Jk can you help me carry my purchases to my room please?"

I truly don't need help, but it's the best reasoning I can think of to get him alone for a couple minutes. Once we both walk in I take the bags from him and sit them on the side of the bed furthest from us. Then, I sit on the opposite side. "Sit beside me please."

He dawdles for a moment before reacting to my request. Once he is beside me I grab his hand in my own and look him in the eyes. "Tell me what all that was about." I wait for a minute or two and when he doesn't respond I sigh. "Jk, I can tell you don't like him. I can't see you being the type of person to openly hate someone. So, why exactly do you act with such animosity towards Korain?"

He sighs and kisses the back of my hand. "A couple of years ago, while we were on tour there was this group of girls. Five of them. Each of them were Army. I remember one being my stan and another Jimin's. I know the other three were also stans but I can't recall for certain whose. Korain was only just starting as a member of our security team. He was doing his job by blocking them from us with his body while we were on stage. I don't know how it started. I think one of them might have flirted with him. But they tried to convince Korain to let them backstage. He claimed he would under one condition. That one of them gift him with sexual favors."

My eyes widen. How the hell does he still have a job with Big Hit for something like that?

I know my shock is apparent. Jk grips my hand tighter and quickly continues explaining. "Nothing happened. Not really. One of them got really defensive with him. I even heard her shouting at him over the music. Daisy, there were tears in her eyes. Tears in a few of their eyes actually. Luckily, one of the other security guards, Juwon I think, overheard the commotion and switched spots with him. I think he radioed Han-bin too but I'm not certain."

I ask the question that bothers me the most. "How does he still have a job with Big Hit?"

Jk shrugs for a second. "I know they were considering firing him. They put him through some kind of training program instead. Han-bin explained it was because nothing actually happened, and it was their word against his."

"He claimed it didn't happen?" Was it possible that this whole situation was a misunderstanding?

"I really don't know any more of the details. I didn't ask. But, when I see him, when I think of their tear stained faces. I can't. No, I won't accept that kind of behavior against Army. Not against any female. Not if it's in my power to stop it." Fierce bunny. So much like his BT21 creation. Not surprising in the least either.

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu