She went back to her bed and I laid back down next to Gabby and just stared at the ceiling. The nurse keeps on coming back to check on Gabby but this girl loves sleeping she didn't wake up once. "She feels safe with you," said Kathy who was now up. They're probably taking turns. "You think so?" I asked. "She doesn't like sharing her room with just anyone because of her nightmares, one time when she was little she had to be in the hospital for a couple of days and she would keep waking up every time the door would open," she said. "Until Marsha got in bed with her, it was only then when she could sleep," she said and I smile. She kept on telling me embarrassing stories about when Gabby was little and I never thought Gabby would be so clumsy. But she hasn't changed one bit, well actually the only thing that's changed is her clumsiness. She told me that Gabby knows so many things because she's traveled everywhere. She knows a lot of languages and she's also so good at math, they want her to keep on playing soccer and go pro but Gabby won't do it. She feels like she owes them for taking care of her, but they have a deal. Gabby can play soccer until Marsha is in good shape to be the head of their empire and to be honest, I don't know how she does it, her empire is bigger than mine and my dad gets very stressed out.

My dad is very old school but my mom keeps him on check. He wanted me to graduate and take over but I want to go pro, he was so mad at me but my mom helped. It was hard for him when I came out but he supported me through it all. She wanted to blacklist Holly when she played me like that but it was partially my fault too for letting her get too far. They love Gabby and my dad was so happy when I told her about our relationship at first I thought it was because she had a lot of money and power but he proved me wrong. He likes her because he sees himself on her, he was also adopted and went through a lot but that only made him stronger. I looked over at the window and the sun was starting to rise. I shake Gabby slightly so she could see the sunrise with me.

I helped her sit up and she rested her hand on my chest while she watches the sunrise. "Good morning mi amor," she said kissing me. "Good morning babe," I said smiling. "So when are we going home?" She asked and Marsha was walking in with the doctor. "Well Gabby, you can leave when your mom finishes the paperwork," The doctor said and I smiled. "But you need to rest for at least six weeks," she said. "You need to avoid activities that could further injure your ribs. That means sports are off the table," she said and Gabby started pouting. "I would say to wait for at least to weeks before you reassume with sexual activity, but you can ask that to the physician your will be seeing at home," she said and we both started blushing.

The doctor kept on giving Gabby advice and what to do for the healing process to be faster while I helped packed her stuff. Marsha helped me while Kathy was finishing up the paperwork for Gabby to go home. After packing everything up Marsha's driver helped us with our bags and he drove us to the airport so we could take the plane back home. Gabby spent the whole trip asleep, Bri was waiting for us at the airport and she had one of Gabby's drivers to take us home. "Please take care of our nugget," said Marsha. "Yes ma'am, I'll be FaceTiming y'all every day!" I said. "Thank you, sweetie," said Kathy. "Please call me when y'all get home," I said. "We will, we love you girls," they said. "We love you too," said Bri waving.

We saw them get back in the jet. "Let me help you," said Bri grabbing some of our bags. "Thank you," I said. I pushed Gabby's wheelchair to the car and then Lucas helped us get Gabby in the car. "You look like shit," said Bri. "Trust me, I feel like I look," I said making her laugh. "Well you take a shower and a good nap when we get home, we'll take care of Miss. Stupid here," she said. The drive back to our penthouse wasn't so long. Victor and Kyle helped us with our bags, Gabby was already up. We took the elevator up to our home and Cameron was there with a chocolate cake. They decorated the house with a lot of balloons, "welcome back," said Cam. "Thank you, love," said Gabby smiling. Kyle helped me to put Gabby in bed while I went to take a shower.

I got in the shower and let the warm water have a running marathon around my body. I needed this shower, I wash my hair and my body and stayed there for a little more. I wrapped a towel around my head and dried my body with my second towel. I put on my underwear and Gabby's big T-shirt and my booty shorts. I walked back to the room and left it unlocked so Bri could come in and check on Gabby if I fell asleep. I left the dirty clothes on the basket and went back to the bathroom to dried my hair. After drying my hair I turned off the lights and got in bed with Gabby, who was already asleep. I wrapped her with a thin towel and then put a pillow under each of her arms to keep her from rolling onto her sides. I left some painkillers and glass of water by her bedside leaving a note next to it and then I got in bed with her. She looked peaceful and comfortable so I decided to close my eyes and felt myself falling asleep.

Gabby's POV 

I opened my eyes and felt pillows under my arms. It actually makes it more comfortable. I looked over to my side and Lexi was sleeping. I heard the door opened and Bri looked at me. "Shh," I said pointing at Lex and she nodded. She closed the door silently and I looked over to my side and there was a glass of water with some painkillers she left a note next to them.

If I'm asleep look over at the clock and if it's 4:00 pm take two. If you're hungry wake me up to get you some food, I love you.

Lexi ❤️

I smiled to myself and looked over at the clocked and it was 4:05. I grabbed the painkillers and the glass of water, I looked over at Lexi and she looked so peaceful. She has bags under her eyes, she probably didn't get any sleep for watching over me. She's going to be a great mom, my stomach started growling loud waking up Lex. I mean they weren't that loud, Lexi is just easy to wake up. "Are you hungry?" She asked. "Nope," I said and my stomach growled again making her laugh. "I'll be back," she said kissing my forehead. She grabbed the wheelchair and helped me get in it, I didn't notice we were staying at the guest room downstairs. She pushed me to the kitchen and then she started to make some food. She made a salad with broccoli, some collard greens, kale, and tuna. Bri came downstairs to help her too and then Cameron while I and the boys were playing video games.

They brought the salad and made a really good looking steak with rice. They made some orange juice and we started eating while watching resident evil. After eating the guys picked up the dishes and they wash them, Lexi got me some yogurt and then we watch resident evil apocalypse. My moms FaceTime Lexi and we all said Hi to them. I'm glad they got home safe and well they're not actually home since mom has a meeting in Florida but the important thing is that they got there in one piece. After the movie we decided to watch the rest of the movies tomorrow. I mean we are rewatching them again, so it's no biggie. When we got back to our room Lexi helped me do the breathing exercises that the doctor told us. "Babe do we really have to do this?" I asked. "Yes," she said. "But it hurts," I said. "I know but it's for your own good!" She said. "Taking only shallow breathes can increase your risk of developing pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses, and we're not letting that happen!" Lex said. "Now hold this gently against your chest but firmly," said Lex handing me a pillow. "It will help to lessen the pain," she said and I nodded.

We started with three seconds of deep breathing, and then switched to three seconds of relax breathing. We did a few "huffs" and some short breaths with some light coughs and finished off with another three seconds of relax breathing. We kept on doing this for a good 5 minutes. "Okay we're good, we have an appointment with Dr. Torres for your spirometry test," she said and I nodded. She looked over at the clock and brought me my meds. She helped me changed into more comfortable clothing and did the same thing she did when I was asleep. She laid next to me and hold my hand smiling. "We can't cuddle but for now holding your hand will do," she said smiling.

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