Backstory PT 4

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Song- Loved and Lost Chester See 

Jimin's POV 

I felt the air leave my lungs as I dropped my phone on the floor, and ran out the front door to my car. I then got in, and drove as fast as I could to the hospital. I parked in the first place I could, and rushed inside to the desk. 

"Where is she!?" I exclaimed as tears ran down my face, and my eyes were red from all the crying I've been doing. 

"Who sir?" The lady asked. 

"Jeon Shawna! Where is she!? I have to see her!" I exclaimed. The nurse then gave me a sad look. 

"I'm afraid you can't do that, sir." She said softly. 

"Why the fuck not!?" I screamed, and then a doctor walked out. 

"I'll take it from here." He said to the nurse, before turning to me. "Follow me." He said in a sad tone. I then quickly followed him into the ICU. I then saw Shay laying in a hospital bed, her body filled with cuts, and bruises. I then cried harder as I looked at her through the window. "There are some things I have to tell you, before you go in there." He said in a sad tone. 

"What is it?" I whispered, not taking my eyes off of Shay. 

"She lost the baby." He said as a lump formed in my throat. Shay was so excited for the baby. She was scared at first, but then fell in love with the idea of mothering our child. 

"No." I whispered as I cried.

"You also have to know that she suffered a big blow to the head." I then gave him a confused look. 

"What does that mean?" I asked weakly. 

"She has memory loss." My eyes then widened. 

"She'll regain them though, right?" I asked, and he gave me a sad look. 

"She may, but there's no guarantee." I then fell to my knees as I cried my heart out. 

"So you're saying the love of my life doesn't remember me?" I asked weakly. All he could do was nod. 

"I'm so sorry." He said, before leaving me to cry alone on the floor of the ICU. 

Taehyung's POV 

I left worked, and drove as fast as I could to the hospital. As soon as I stepped up to the nurse's station I was met with a doctor. 

"Are you here for the other Jeon sister?" He asked, and I shook my head. 

"Yes! Is she ok?" I asked, and he gave me a sad look. 

"She and her sister suffer from memory lost. There is a possibility they will regain them, but that chance is very small." I then felt a lump grown in my throat. 

"What about her sister's baby?" I asked. 

"The baby didn't make it." I feel so awful for Jimin, and I'm also so broken. We both have to carry a weight that can't be lifted. The ones we've loved for so long, no longer remember us, or the feelings we shared. That is like a knife to my heart, and in this moment, I can feel myself slipping away from sanity. All because I've lost the one who means more to me, then life itself. 

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

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