Backstory PT 2

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Song- Cater 2 U Destiny's Child 

Taehyung's POV 

I smiled as I looked over to see a sleeping Sami in my bed. She slept over at my house, because her foster father was being a dick. I love it when she sleeps over at my house, because that means I know she's safe. I sighed to myself, because I have to break the news to her about Shay and Jimin. It's going to tear her apart that Shay is running away with Jimin. Fate brought them together in the 6th grade, and 2 months later found out that they were sisters. They've been inseparable ever since. I bit my lip as I shook her shoulder softly. 

"Sami." I called softly. 

"Hmm." She answered in a irritated manner, which made me smile. She hates being woken up. 

"We need to talk." She then groaned. 

"About what." She said with a huff.

"It's about Shay." I said, and with in seconds, she was sitting straight up in bed. 

"What about Shay?" She said in a worried tone. "Is something wrong?" She asked with a hint of fear in her voice. 

"She's running away with Jimin." I said, which caused her eyes to widen. 

"WHAT!? WHY!?" She yelled in pure rage. 

"Because she's pregnant, and is afraid that her foster mom will try to separate them." She then pinched the bridge of her nose. 

"I want to be mad at her. I want to say she's being over dramatic." She said with a sigh. 

"Then why don't you?" I asked in a confused tone. 

"Because if I were in her situation I'd do the same thing. She can't bare the thought of loosing Jimin just like I couldn't bare to loose you." I then gave her a soft smile. 

"So you do have a soft side?" I teased, which led her to punch my arm. I then chuckled. 

"So, are you going to support her?" I asked. 

"She's my sister. I'll support her no matter what." I then gave her my famous boxy smile, before I kissed her forehead. What would I do without her?

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

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