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Song- 1949 Jonah Mutono
Sami's POV

I noticed the guy Shay was talking to, and immediately got bad vibes off of him. I don't know what it is about him, but I just have a bad feeling about this. Which was why I got Shay away from him. Shay is smart, and always has her guard up. But there have been times when she's been oblivious because of a cute face. It's happened before.

A year after Key's death I talked Shay into trying to date again. His name was Chan. She liked Chan, but she became very dependent on him. Chan used that to take advantage of her, which led Shay to getting raped. After that time I swore to watch out for her. Shay is a year older than me, but we take care of each other.

After we got in a quiet place I then turned to face her.

"Shay, what are you doing?" I asked and she gave me confused look.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"That guy you were talking to. Since when do you talk to random strangers?" I asked, while raising my voice a bit.

"Most of them are Rosalyn's family, so half the people here are stranger to me! Besides, what does it matter!?" She raised her voice , which trembled as she spoke.

"I don't want you to get hurt again. Remember what happened with Chan?" I spoke softly.

"How can I forget!?" She shouted as her voice broke. "I remember every single day. It's hard to forget the man, who raped you." She then lowered her head on shame, and sadness. Shay is still struggling with it all mentally, and Rosalyn's death made it that much worse. She has so much pent up emotion that I'm afraid of what she will do with it. She never really got over Key and hasn't processed his death. Then there's her rape, and then on top of all that there's Rosalyn's death. Things are building and building up on her. I'm afraid of what's going to happen when she explodes.

"Just be careful." Was all I said, before I walked away. She needed time alone, so I decided to give it to her.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

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