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Song- Promises I Can't Keep Mike Shinoda
Sami's POV

I sat silently on the couch. I've just got home, and Shay should be here any minute. I then pulled out my phone, and stared at Namjoon's number. I was wondering if I should delete it or not. I then bit my lip as I thought back to the events that happened an hour ago. What was I thinking? Why did I give him my number so easily? He was charming that's for sure. I should have refused, but there was something about him that made me weak at the knees. I then shook my head as I heard the door unlock. Shay then walked in with a smile on her face.

"How was your date?" I asked in a unsure tone.

"It was great." She said in a dreamy tone. "I haven't felt this way in a long time." I then smiled at her. It was nice to see her happy after everything she's been through.

"I'm glad to see you happy."

"Even though you don't like him?" The smile then faded from my face.

"It's not that I don't like him. I just don't trust him, Shay." She then sighed.

"Well, maybe you'll like him when I tell you that he has a friend that he wants to set you up with." I then gave her a confused expression.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Namjoon. Kim Namjoon."

Yoongi's POV

When I walked in I saw Namjoon on the couch smiling.

"For someone to be pissed off at me, you sure have a big smile on your face." I said. He then glanced at me, unfazed by my words.

"Pick at me if you will, but I'm not changing my mind about that girl." I then scoffed.

"Not even is she wants to set you up with her sister?" He then gave me a confused expression.

"What's her name?" He asked carefully.

"Sami. Jeon Sami."

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this! Leave me a comment to let me know how I am doing! Stay strong my beautiful readers, keep dreaming, I love you all, and I will update soon.-Coolcat51

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