"Babe, don't cry. Please. You know, it breaks my heart when I see you sad."

"I'm sorry. I promise you, Loulove, that I will always call or facetime you. If I have the chance, I will come home during my rest days. I promise, I will be a good boy on the road. I will never cheat on you. I will never..."

"Harry!" He stopped. "I trust you. Okay?"

I nodded.

"Alright. I was supposed to surprise you tomorrow, but..." He took his cellphone and was searching from something in there.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He gave me his cellphone showing something in there. "What's this?"

"I'm joining you! I talked to my business partners the other day requesting if I could take leave of absence to be with you while you are on tour. And they said yes. So I am part of your team now!"

I was completely shocked. I was so happy from his news that all I did was to cry making him changed his seat next to me. He rubbed my back.

"Haz, why are you crying? Don't you want to be with me?"

"No. No. I am just happy. These are tears of joy."

"That's what I thought. My plan really was to surprise you tomorrow after your concert in the O2, but I can't take seeing you so sad. It makes me sad as well. So, why not surprise you now instead of tomorrow. It's still the same surprise! Right?"

"You will really do this for me, Loulove? I mean... What about Freddie? What about your business?"

"He is okay with it. He will be with Lottie. And I can do my business on the road. And if it is okay with you, once in awhile, I will go back here to be with him and check the business." "Of course! If we are not in public, I could kiss you right now. I love you so much!"

He looked around. "I think everybody is minding their own business." He gave me a wink.

I chuckled. I moved closer and kissed him on the lips. "I love you, Lou. I am so happy right now. Thank you."

"I love you, too, Haz. I'm glad you're happy now."

The next day, I woke up with my phone ringing. I moved slowly making sure not to wake up Louis who was spooning me. It was a call from Jacque.

"Morning Jacque..."

"Harry, open your twitter. Now! It's about you and Louis!" She screamed.

I ended the call button and opened my twitter. It was trending, #LarryIsBack. The headlines said "Harry Styles was seen dating with a man!", "Who is this guy Harry Styles dating?", "Harry Styles spotted having a dinner with Louis Tomlinson?" And there were pictures and videos of me with him. I was searching if they caught us kissing but there was none. I kept on scrolling with the reactions and so far, there was no negative. I smiled when fans after all these years were still enthusiastic with our relationship making me giggled.

I felt Louis moved. He was now sitting, giving me a kiss on my shoulder. Then, I kissed his forehead in return. He looked at my phone feeling curious of the reason why I was laughing softly. I showed it to him and he laughed when he saw we were again trending and the crazy funny comments of our fans.

"Not too bad for our first public appearance, eh?" He joked.

"Yeah! I mean, we all thought nobody can recognize us."

"Haz, I am dating the Harry Freaking Styles! Who doesn't know you?"

"Hey! Well, this Harry Freaking Styles is so lucky that he can date the hottest and the most handsome Louis Freaking Tomlinson!"

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