Chapter 59

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Time Capsule 

Chapter 59




"Right now, I wish you were here with me. Cause right now, everything is new to me..." I gently tucked a strand of her hair back as I hummed quietly to her. My free hand held tightly onto one of hers. Her skin felt almost cold against my warm skin.

I can't really explain how I felt inside, because right now, I didn't feel much. My emotions were constantly in a big jumbled rollercoaster, switching faster than normal. At the moment, I was in a numb state, but I didn't think that was gonna last much longer seeing as I'd already been in that stage for a while.

I heard the door slowly creep open, I glanced over my shoulder to see a sad Louis. Other than Melanie and I, Louis was taking this the hardest out of everyone. "Niall," he started softly, "it's been over a week now. You need to go home." Wow, had it really been a week already?

I glanced over at the little calendar on the wall that the nurses switched every day.

July 1st

Well shit.

"I don't care." I replied emotionless.

"Niall. You haven't left the hospital since the night she came here." He spoke a little louder than before.


"You haven't slept, you haven't eaten, you haven't showered. You need to go home and get some rest. Then you can come back."

There was a short silence as he waited for my response. "I used the shower here."

I heard the sound of a slap as if he raised his arms and dropped them back at his sides in exasperation. "Okay, fine. But you still haven't eaten, and don't tell me you ate the hospital food because the nurses just told me you haven't. And don't tell me you've slept on that couch because you and I both know you haven't left that chair and slept properly." He ranted.

I let out a sigh. "Look, Lou, I know you're worried about me-"

"No. We are all worried about you!" He exclaimed. "I understand you're upset, Niall, but we are all upset. We are all hurt by this and we're all at risk of losing a friend. We're all grieving, but you're the only one that's not taking care of yourself. You're the only one that's-"

I stood up roughly and abruptly causing the chair to squeak backwards. The silence in the room was thick. Louis and I both knew that this was the calm before the storm. The quiet before the explosion. He could feel it. I could feel it. The emotion change was under way. I could feel my heart start to speed up, and my blood start to boil as my fists clenched. looks like red is my next emotion.

"You know how I feel?" I spoke so calmly and quietly, but the tone in my voice showed that the explosion was about to happen. "You understand?" I slowly turned to look at him. He looked ready for what he knew was about to come.

"Enlighten me then, Louis." I darkly chuckled. "So you know how it feels to be told you have to move away from your home and your best friend at thirteen? You know how it feels to be told she was brutally murdered and you weren't there to stop it? You understand what it's like to come back, be a complete asshole to her without realizing, make her life miserable, and then feel guilty as hell when she forgives you and you know she shouldn't have? You know how it feels to find out she was raped by three people you helped do it? You understand how it feels to finally make her yours after loving her for so long, and then handing her off to be raped, again, and beaten, then put into a coma? You understand, Louis? Really, please tell me your story!" My voice was so strained and low through that rant, that I was shaking to keep myself from screaming.

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