Chapter 41

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Time Capsule

Chapter 41




I felt like time was all over the place, and so many big events have happened one after the other. It'd been two weeks since Louis and Eleanor came back into my life. A month since that scary night when Logan broke into Annabelle's. Three months since Annabelle came back into my life, and six months since I moved back here in December. Now that it was May, and we were about to graduate, it really hit me how much time has flown by.

So much has happened in these past six months, both very good and very bad. But, I was proud of how much I've overcome. I never thought I'd ever get over what I did, but with Annabelle's encouragement, It was almost like it never happened. I mean, of course it did, and we both obviously remember it, but we never talked about it. We've moved past it.

I think the last thing that really helped me finally, completely move past it, was recreating Christmas for her. After I finally forgave myself, I still had that nagging feeling, and I felt terrible that I was such a jerk towards her during Christmas time. Which honestly wasn't even that big of a deal, but it still bothered me. Even though I had only been around for two weeks at the time, and was only starting my shit with her, I felt bad about it. So on Valentine's day, I created our own little Christmas. Seeing as neither of us had any Valentine's, I found it as the perfect day.

Now, here we are, nearing the end of May with graduation next month, and things were great. The only thing that was bad about the past couple months was my pathetic one-sided love.

Everyday I fell more and more in love with her. I wanted nothing more than to just pull her in and kiss her. I wanted to cuddle with her and watch movies while drinking hot chocolate. I wanted to fall asleep and wake up with her being the last and first thing I see.

But that would never happen.

She didn't feel that way. I knew it. Mel always tried to convince me that I'm wrong, and that she looked at me with love in her eyes. But she was wrong. When Annabelle looked at me, she looked at me like a normal best friend, and as a protector. That's it.

Speaking of protecting. I had been so protective of Annabelle ever since the second time Logan laid his hands on her. I wanted nothing more than to beat the shit out of the little fucker, but Annabelle had kept me calm. And luckily he stayed far away.

If any guy at school came even a yard near her in the wrong way, I was all over it. There was still a few peanut for brains that tried to get close to her, but I was like a hawk.

I was by her side all the time. I went to the office after that incident, and I had all my classes switched to hers. It was a little hesitant on the administrators part at first, but once I got annoyed and told them about how people at school were treating her badly, they switched it right away. It really wasn't that big of a deal. I mean, I was already in all the same classes and levels as her already, just at different times. So it was fine to go into her schedule.

I didn't feel like I was over protecting and suffocating, or going to extremes. I felt like I was doing the right thing. Besides, Annabelle actually brought up the idea of me switching classes. That's how I know I wasn't over stepping my boundaries. I would never wanna make her uncomfortable. Ever.

But I was glad everything was working out, because seeing her walking around the halls so scared and terrified, broke my heart. She'd been much happier and carefree lately and I was so happy. Feeling some what responsible for her elevated mood warmed my heart. I feel like I finally had my Annabelle back.

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