Chapter 5

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Time Capsule

Chapter 5



I just stood there. I don't even know how long I stood there with tears streaming down. I didn't even know what I was supposed to feel.

Betrayal? Hurt? Anger? Confusion?

I felt a little bit of everything, but I mostly felt broken.

I always had hope Niall would come back. No matter how much pain and suffering I went through, no matter how scared and alone I felt, I had hope in Niall. Even if he didn't talk to me for all those years, I kept that hope that he would remember our promise, and that maybe he just got too busy to send juvenile little letters all the time. That little hope I had in him kept me sane through all these years. He held me together. He was the string that held the pieces together. Just that hope.

But he just completely shattered it.

He cut all those strings and just threw them in the trash.

Next to being broken, the second strongest emotion I felt was confused.

How did he not remember me? Or did he remember me, but not recognize I'm me? I mean, I didn't look that different. Sure, I don't have glasses anymore, and my stringy chin length hair has grown out a lot, but I didn't look that different? Did I? He probably doesn't remember me, that's it. He forgot all about me, and that thought hurt a lot.

But the part that confused me the most, is him. Even if he didn't recognize me, why did he act so...cruel? That's not Niall at all. That's not even remotely him. He was the sweetest boy in the world, so what happened? What happened to make him like that? People grow and change, sure, but nothing like that. That was a totally different person that I encountered. People don't just act so horrible for no reason. So what happened?

I saw a flash of blonde and felt a sudden sense of comfort. It took me a minute to realize it was Melanie holding me in a tight hug. She obviously saw what happened.

"Annabelle, I'm so sorry."

It took a few moments to say something since I was choking on sobs. "He-he doesn't remember me." My voice cracked at the end and the cries grew louder.

"Oh Annabelle, I'm so sorry." Her voice was so soft and filled with understanding. She understood how much Niall meant to me. "Everything will be okay, I'm sure of it."

"I really hope so..."

After a few minutes of just standing there, we realized the hallway had cleared.

She brought me to the bathroom to help me clean up a little, then walked me to class. I really wished she didn't have to leave. I hate classes without her.

"Are you gonna be alright?" She asked, concern filling her eyes.

I didn't even attempt to put on a fake smile. "Yeah, I'll be fine." Without another word, I walked into the classroom and sat in my seat in the back corner.

Everyone got settled and I just stared at my desk, not wanting to be there. Just as our teacher was about to start the lesson, the door opened, and the principal walked in. I looked back at my desk, not interested in what he had to say. I heard the teacher respond to whatever the principal had said, and when the door shut again, I assumed he had left.

"Alright class, this is our new student, Niall Horan." I looked up fast, and a new wave of emotions hit me.

The teacher turned to Niall, "You can sit in any empty seat, and just take out a notebook for now since you don't have a textbook yet."

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