Chapter 29

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Time Capsule

Chapter 29




Everything hurt so bad. I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. I could only wait. Melanie was on her way. My only salvation at the moment. I kept fading in and out of consciousness. I so desperately wanted to die.

"Annabelle?! Annabelle, where are you?!" I heard her voice from the foyer of the house. I opened my mouth to tell her I was in the living room, but the only thing that came out was a strangled cry. As soon as the noise left my throat, I heard her heavy footsteps as she ran into the room. She dropped to her knees in tears.

"Oh my goodness, Annabelle! You look awful! What did he do?!" She asked, mostly to herself since she knew I could barely speak. I just laid there, paralyzed, unable to move a single muscle, while she glanced over me carefully. "Annabelle, when you said everything, what did you mean? What's broken? I need to know."

"My, my ribs and my collarbone I think and, ah, my ankle and-" I cut myself off with a scream as a pain shot down my back.

"Oh God. Ok, ok, uh." She nervously stuttered while trying to collect herself. She's helped me through broken bones before, but it had never ever been this bad. It was always no more than one or two bones, and I was still movable. This time around, I was pretty positive we were dealing with five to six, with at least 3 being major bones. Neither of us knew what to do. I could tell she was panicking and trying to think of options.

"Oh gosh, I need to get you out of here before he comes back." She stood up and started to pace. "When you have broken bones, you need to be careful of how you lift or move the person cause it can do more severe damage. So how do I move you? Oh gosh. What do I do?!" She started to ramble to herself like a frantic person. She stopped pacing and turned to me. "I know everything hurts, Annabelle, but what absolutely hurts the most?"

I thought for a moment. "I-I don't know. Everything, Mel."

"And you absolutely can't move at all?" She nervously asked. What would happen if I became permanently paralyzed? I didn't want to even think about it.

I tried to wiggle my fingers and toes, and a loud scream involuntarily ripped from my lungs.

"So you can move but it just hurts, okay." She started to pace again.

"Annabelle, maybe I should call Niall. He'll be able to lift you more carefully than I can."

"No! I- Niall can't see me like this. He can't!" I shouted fearfully. He can't find out this way.

"Annabelle," she sighed, "I can lift you, but it'll be hard and it could hurt you. Niall is stronger and would be able to carry you easier."

"No, Melanie. No Niall."

She sighed again, knowing I wouldn't give in. "Alright, fine. But, Annabelle, it would be best if you were unconscious. Then you wouldn't feel anything. How are you feeling? Do you think you're gonna black out?" She questioned as she knelt before me.

I opened my mouth to tell her that I had been seeing black spots the whole time she had been here, but the darkness beat me to it. Before I knew it...

I was out.




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