Chapter 48

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Time Capsule

Chapter 40




The whole night, I barely slept a wink. I just stared at the ceiling, with a huge smile on my face, thinking about how perfect the day went. It went way better than I could have imagined.

Now I was sitting here struggling to eat breakfast, with this cheesy grin that just wouldn't disappear. But I didn't even care. I was picking Annabelle up at two, which was three hours too long, to take her on our second date. I was taking her to the aquarium, because she loves animals, so I knew she'd love it. We'd probably spend all day there, looking at all the different exhibits, and then there's a restaurant inside the aquarium that I was going to take her to. I couldn't wait to see her face. I knew she was going to be thrilled.

Oh God, I just want to make her my girlfriend now. I wanted to be able to say she's mine. I wanted to kiss her whenever I wanted without needing permission, or feeling weird cause we're still in the dating stage. But just a few more days. I at least wanted to hold off till the fourth date. I feel like that was normal and reasonable.

I got cut off from my thoughts by the buzzing of my phone. "Hey, Harry!" I chirped gleefully as I answered the phone.

"Someone's quite happy go lucky today, hmm?" I could hear the smirk on his face.

"Oh hush! I have every right!" I laughed.

"Oi, I never said you didn't!" He joined me.

"So...You guys kissed." He stated, and I could hear the smug tone in his voice that probably brought out the smirk again.

"Yes. Yes we did." I said, quite proud.

"That's my boy!" He shouted through the phone.

"Oh shut it will you."

"She told us everything last night so you can spare me the details. Not that you were planning on sharing anything with us you selfish little twit!" He fake attacked me through the phone. "But anyways, I forgive you because I hear you're going out again today and you will tell me everything this time!"

"I will, I will."

"Where are you taking her?"

"To that big aquarium on the outskirts of town."

"Ooh, nice. Great pick."


"I have to say, Niall, I feel like a proud dad." I shook my head, holding in my laughs. "I mean, a little boy all grown up, taking his lover on such elaborately planned dates." I heard him start to fake cry.

"You're a freak." I teased.

"And I'm proud." He fired back, causing me to snort. "Well, I'm gonna let you go so you can get ready for your date. Talk to you later man."

"Bye mate." I said back before we both hung up.

I quickly cleaned up my breakfast, and ran upstairs to get ready. I finished in an hour, leaving me to sit around in torture for two more hours. I plopped down on the sofa and flicked the TV on, deciding to just watch a game of golf that was on.

"Hello, Niall!" I turned to see my mom coming through the front door.

"Hey, mum. How was brunch?"

"It was good." She smiled. "Margret says hi!" She hung up her purse and sat down across from me on the other couch.

"What's got you all dressed? Saturdays and Sundays are usually your extra lazy days." She chuckled at me.

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