Chapter 14

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Time Capsule

Chapter 14



After standing alone in the hallway for a few minutes, the bell rang, snapping me out of my trance. As the students started to flood into the area, I picked up my feet in a fast pace. 

I had to find Melanie.

I pushed and shoved, and when I found her, I flung myself against the locker next to her, out of breath. She looked at me like I was crazy, but before she could comment on how disoriented I looked, "meet me by the lake after school!" I blurted out, and took off before she could respond.

I made a dash to the exit, not caring on skipping my last class. I managed to make that whole conversation without crying, and I intend to make it out of here before the burning in my eye releases.

I ran and didn't stop until I made it to our spot. All my tears flooded out, along with my emotions. All my anger, frustration, pain...everything came out.

I was angry at my dad.

It was all his fault. It is all his fault. Niall would've kept talking to me if it wasn't for him. I would've still had my best friend. He would have helped me and talked me through all this shit I've been living with. And then when he moved here two months ago, it would've been the happy reunion that I wanted. But all that was taken away by my selfish, horrid, demon of a father.

I was frustrated as well, so I started tugging at my hair.

This whole time. This whole time I thought he forgot, and he only thought I was dead. But I was also frustrated and angry that he had acted the way he has. That he's be treating me this way. Even the fact that he's been man whoring away. It pissed me off. 

I 'died' so he thinks this is okay?! He finds out I'm dead so that gives him the excuse to act like an asshole? If I really did die, I'd be so disappointed in him turning into this. Hell, I'm alive and I'm still disappointed in him.

The anger and frustration faded away, and a wave of sadness and guilt flooded over me.

Was this my fault? Did I do this to him?

Surely, he must have grieved, but what possessed him to become so... so horrid? Is this how he really is now? Or is this an act?

What do I make of this?

Should I feel happy that there's hope for us? Should I feel angry at all the pain he's caused me?

How do I tell him now? Do I just walk up and say, 'hey, Niall, guess what? I'm not really dead, it's me and you've been horrible.'? Do I let him recognize me on his own? Do I just let this go and forget our friendship?

No, I can't do that.

I have to tell him. But again, how? How the hell does a person tell someone that someone they thought was dead, is not dead. Especially when that person is their old best friend who they promised not to hurt yet made their life a personal living hell. How is someone like me supposed to tell a little boy hiding under a monster, that his best friend is the girl he's been mentally scarring.

How will he even react?

Will he laugh in my face, still not being able to recognize me, and say I'm crazy? Will he be surprised? Shocked even? Will he be angry at himself and regret what he's done to me? Or worse, will he not care and continue treating me the way he is? No he wouldn't possibly not care. Every time I've gotten him to open up about me, he gets sad and lost in thought. Him not caring would surely not be the case.

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