Chapter 12

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Time Capsule

Chapter 12



I ran.

I ran and ran and ran.

I can't even count how many times I've tripped over, because of how many times my tears blurred my vision.

I don't know where to place my emotions right now. What even am I? I'm confused, lost, and hurt. Too many emotions to comprehend. The pain in my heart was surpassing the pain in my body by a thousand, as I ran as fast as my feet could carry me.

I didn't even know where I was going, but I just went to where my subconscious was taking me. I kept running until the pain in my body finally caught up and became too much to bare. I finally collapsed and I let relentless sobs overcome me.

A few seconds passed before I heard a voice start shouting my name. I looked up and glanced around my surroundings to see Melanie's lawn, and her figure running towards me. My feet brought me to Mel's house, and I was glad for it.

"Annabelle, what happened?" She asked, concerned as she took me and held me in her arms.

I opened my mouth to try and formulate words, but I couldn't.

What did happen? I don't even know. How could I tell her, when I didn't even know myself?

She took my gaping mouth and tears as a cue to help me up and lead me inside. Once we made it up to her room, she laid me on the bed and ran back down to get me something to drink. When she handed me a water bottle, I then realized how tired and sweaty I was from running.

"Niall went to our spot." I blurted out.

She widened her eyes and dropped her jaw. She breathed out a quick puff of air before answering. "Wh-what?"

I stared at her for a few seconds before speaking again. "Niall showed up at the lake in the woods. Our spot."

She looked shocked for a few moments. "I, but, well...What did he say when he saw you there?" She asked. I could see the light slowly bubbling behind her eyes. She thought this was a good thing. The smile creeping on her face proved that.

"He was super drunk," I ruined the happiness. "and he was quite mad too." 

Her faced dropped heavily. "What? I don't understand." Confusion filled her features.

"I really don't know, M. He was angry I was there, and he choked the hell out of me."

"HE WHAT?!" Her hands immediately went to my neck. By the gasp she emulated, I assume there's quite a decent mark there.

"What the fuck!?" I could see the rage brewing. "What the hell did he do that for?! Shouldn't he have been happy you were there?! Did he even say anything?!"

"He kept saying 'this is our place, no one else is allowed here' and he kept yelling at me to leave."

A thoughtful look spread across her face as she got up from her bed and started to pace around the room.

"Annabelle," She turned to look at me, "I think he remembers you, he just, for some idiotic reason, doesn't recognize that you're you."

"But how? I really don't look that different, do I? Maybe he means someone else?" I questioned, not even believing it myself.

"Annabelle Skyhill! Are you crazy?! Who the hell else would he be talking about?! Something is going on and his mind is confused and just plain stupid. He is definitely not talking about someone else."

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