Chapter 56

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Time Capsule

Chapter 56




When I opened my eyes and saw the sight in front of me, my heart dropped to my feet, and dread replaced the hole. I let my mouth fall open as pure fright filled my pores. 

The whole down stairs was an absolute wreck. From our position in the doorway, we could see the living room completely torn apart. Every bit of furniture was destroyed. The two couches were flipped upside down with the cushions thrown off. The wooden coffee table was broken with splinters and pieces of wood everywhere. The TV was hanging off the mount on the wall. Lamps, picture frames, and everything else was just scattered around the floor, broken. All the cigarettes and beer bottles were doubled since I was last here, and some of them were broken. 

There were blood stains everywhere. Old and fresh.

The fresh blood caused shivers to go down my spine. It was from last night. Which was all my fault.

"What in the world..." Eleanor whispered, breaking the deafening silence between us all.  

"You haven't seen anything yet." Melanie mumbled under her breath, making us all shiver with fear. She's seen it all. She's seen how bad it got. 

Annabelle was nowhere in sight, but I just knew she was here. I could sense her presence close by. 

"Melanie, is it always this bad?" I heard Harry ask, sounding completely broken. 

"No." She breathed. "The house has never been destroyed to this degree." Her words did nothing to reassure anybody.

"We should split up and-"

"No." I cut Louis off, turning to look at everyone for the first time. Eleanor looked so heartbroken as she held onto Louis' arm. Louis looked so torn and in emotional pain. Harry had shameless tears dripping down his face, and Melanie looked plain worn out. She'd been in this situation far too many times. "We're not splitting up. I need us all to stick together. I need you guys by my side right now." I choked out. 

I couldn't be alone right now. I couldn't walk into a room, by myself, and possibly find her dead. 

I couldn't do it. 

"Alright, well let's move then. We might already be too late." Melanie said weakly. 

We made the first step towards the kitchen. I let out a mix of a whimper, and a puff of air, as I glanced around. Even though it looked the same as that day I came here, it looked so much worse now that I realized the truth behind all the blood and the mess...


I walked down the hall that Annabelle disappeared into, and stepped into the kitchen.

There was even more blood dried up in this room and I nearly puked. The island counter top had papers and bills tossed all over, and the edges off the whole marble top was chipped off and dented. Some of the stools that surrounded it were knocked over on the ground. I was in such pure shock. I stood there with my eyes glued on the biggest blood stain, dried up next to the stove, unable to move or speak.

"Annabelle, what the hell is this? Why is there blood and glass everywhere?" I nervously questioned with such a tight and horrified voice. My face was pale as a ghost and matched my terrified voice. What the hell has she been living with? This was a horrible place to have to call home.

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