Chapter 37

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Time Capsule 

Chapter 37




I laid there for hours. My mind a mushy, foggy, reeling mess.

One minute he's telling me things that left me utterly confused, and the next, he's painting out his picture. Clear as glass.

All I can remember are bits and pieces. It all happened so fast. He dragged me to the couch and by the time my brain clicked with my body, the deed was already done. Somehow in the midst of it, I had ended up on the floor, which is where I still was.

Pain seeped through me, physically and mentally.

My sobs racked through the empty house, my pants of lost breath were suffocating me, and the pressure in my head hurt from the many events I haven't been able to process. I was forced into this a few times already, a few weeks ago. But it wasn't anywhere near as bad as this.

My own Father.

Sure, I hated him more than satan himself, but he was still my flesh and blood. And he did this to me? His own daughter? I mean, you always hear of horrible parents who do awful things like this to their children, but to think it would happen to you was unimaginable. 

I'm gonna be sick.

Unlike the other times this has happened, where I felt sick but nothing came out, this time I felt it coming up. I painfully rolled to my side and dry heaved until everything retched from my throat. I felt so sick and disgusting. I used my hand to keep myself up so I didn't completely roll face first into the mess. I just let it all out, right on the living room floor.

I couldn't believe this. My mind was completely hot wired out. I knew those jerks were up to no good when they were missing, but I had no idea they were conspiring with my dad?! This twisted business? He was going to sell me off for sex?! This couldn't be happening! My life really had spiraled into some sick, twisted hell. When everything was starting to finally become seemingly better, it just went way past rock bottom and the pits of hell even. This was badder than bad.

I painfully reached up and pulled the old tattered blanket off the couch. It was a blanket my Grandma knitted for my dad before she died. I could only imagine how disappointed she must be with her son. Or me even. This had to be my karma or punishment for something that I did. I was being punished for being such a screw up. I couldn't seem to do anything right.

I wrapped the blanket around myself to cover up. I was in far too much pain to redress myself. It was even a struggle to simply grab the blanket.

My phone started to ring like crazy, as it had been since midnight. I'd been lying here for hours and I was sure it was nearly two now. I already knew it was Melanie calling to check on me. Since I wasn't answering while she called like a maniac, it was only a matter of time before she just came here.

So I just laid here in the dark and waited. Waited for Melanie. Waited for a miracle.

Waited to die.

I didn't even know what I was waiting for anymore. I didn't even know what I was doing here anymore. I didn't want to live this life anymore. What did I even have to live for anyways? It wasn't like I could get out of this. My dad would never let me leave here.


I couldn't leave him. I just got him back. But was he really worth this torture I call life?

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