Chapter 39

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Time Capsule

Chapter 39




A week had gone by since the absolute worst night of my life.

Niall and Melanie took turns staying with me, and I hadn't moved from Niall's bed. He slept with me in his arms every night, and had to spend a lot of them consoling me cause I got terrible nightmares. I came so close to telling him that it wasn't Logan who did it, but my dad instead. But I always catch myself before I can say anything.

The pain numbed by day two, but I still refused to leave the comfort of Niall's bed, till now.I had to step back into reality sooner than later. 

The three of us were sat at our usual table in the lunchroom. There was the typical chatter all around us, but we were all sitting and eating in absolute silence. Well, the two of them were eating. I was just pushing my food around, afraid that if I ate it, it would come straight out. I just physically haven't felt the same. A sick feeling set itself within me since Nick and them took me the first time, and it hadn't left since.

I glanced around the table for the first time since I sat down. Their eyes were trained at their trays as they ate. Not a single word had been said.

Melanie was sulking, and her downcast eyes had been permanently red since our conversation that night. Even though she hid it, I knew she cried every night. I knew she felt defeated and crushed about the situation. I know because I felt it too. She hadn't said much to anyone this past week, nor had I. She just would come and watch me at Niall's to make sure I was okay, and then would leave without a word. She had nothing to say at the time and neither did I. Nothing could make this okay.

I finally looked over at Niall. He knew nothing about the real situation, so there was nothing for him to be depressed about. If anything, he'd been angry. He was angry at the devil's that walk these halls, and wanted nothing more than to wipe them out. But then, with one look into my eyes, he shattered. He looked like a lost little puppy who's been abandoned in the rain. He wanted nothing more than to make me smile, and to take my pain away, but there was nothing he could do. That hurt him past the point of fixing.

I really wanted to be okay for him, but I couldn't. My own father was going to start selling me off for money, after he used me for himself. How could I be okay after that?

I watched as Niall lifted his fork and placed the tasteless pasta in his mouth. He chewed with a straight face, and after he swallowed, a worn out look painted his features.

It made me feel bad.

I'd been giving him hell this past week. He was in the dark because of my lies, he was kept up by my nightmares, and he had to keep fixing and re-breaking his heart every time he watched me cry. The guilt was eating me up. I wanted him to be his normal happy self. The Niall that makes stupid jokes, eats unnecessarily, laughs at everything, and is so one with happiness. But this Niall, I dragged him down with me.

He lifted his eyes from his tray, and they swept across the cafeteria before they met mine. The emotions swirling in them pierced me like a sword. "Can I talk to you for a minute? In private?" He asked quietly. His voice sounded so broken and vulnerable. I nearly started crying just hearing it.

"Sure." I simply said, pushing my tray of non-eaten food away from me.

Melanie glanced up, and Niall muttered something quickly about seeing her later.

He grabbed my hand and lead me out the doors. I was able to walk on my own again without limping, but Niall just liked to be protective. I never argue because I secretly loved it. He walked me out of the school and to his car. As we started to drive, I wanted to question him about why we were leaving school, and where we were going, but I couldn't bring myself to. He looked so deep in thought that I didn't want to disturb him.

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