Chapter 36

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Time Capsule

Chapter 36




As we silently walked up the stairs, I had to take deep breaths to calm my rapid heart. It was beating so fast that I thought it would explode. How could I have been so stupid? Why the hell would I invite him over here?! Am I nuts?!

I should have just went to his house. But of course, little love sick Annabelle just wasn't thinking properly, and when he asked to come over, she just couldn't say no.

Well nice going, Annabelle.

How could I forget that my house was basically the devil's lair?

I think he bought my lie, but I was not sure. I almost just screwed everything up. Everything had been going so well. He could not find out about this now. I could practically feel the tension vanish as soon as we stepped foot in my room, and I could not have been more relieved.

"So." I said to break the silence as I plopped onto my bean bag on the floor. "What do you say we forget about everything we just saw, and we have a comedy movie marathon?" I mentally begged for him to agree and not dwell on it. I didn't know how long I could hide this with him questioning me.

"I say, let's get this party started." He flashed me a charming smile, and when he looked away to rummage through the dvds I laid out, I let out the breath I was holding.

"Ooh, this one! Definitely." He exclaimed as he held up 'Paul Blart: Mall Cop'. I smiled as my mind started shooting out memories. We used to love this movie so much. We watched it so many times, that we both nearly memorized every word.

"This is still one of my top ten favorite movies. Never gets old." He stated as he made his way to my old little box TV.

"Mine too! And you never got that segway, did you?" I jokingly asked. After watching this movie, we always talked about how badly we wanted a segway, and we begged our parents for months.

"I did actually." He said proudly as my jaw dropped in shock. I only meant it as a joke, I didn't think he actually bought a segway.

"You did not!?" I yelled out in surprise. He nodded with a proud smile. "No way! What? HOW?!"

"My friends from London I told you about before, they came from well off families. For my sixteenth birthday, they all pitched in and got me one. I had mentioned it before and I think it was Harry who came up with the idea." He said casually as he retreated back over to me.

"Well! Where is it?!" I eagerly shouted at him.

He chuckled at my desperation. "It's back in London at Liam's house. I haven't had the chance to ship it back over here yet."

I playfully hit his arm. "You jerk! How could you? I want to ride it." I playfully pouted.

"Someday you can." He laughed.

"Someday isn't good enough!" I sassily wiggled my finger at him. "How is it? Are they as fun as they seem?"

"Even more fun than they seem." He smirked, knowing he was torturing me.

"No fair. Get me the next flight to London so I can ride that thing." I joked, but internally meant it.

"Yeah, yeah sure. First thing tomorrow." He said sarcastically as he pressed the play button.

"No, I don't want to watch this anymore because now I'm jealous, and seeing it in the movie is going to pierce my soul." I said dramatically as I placed the back of my hand to my forehead, and collapsed backwards.

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