Chapter 22

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Time Capsule

Chapter 22




"It will be alright, Annabean. I'll stay with you as much as I can, and in the classes we don't have together, just keep your head down and stay calm, alright?" She spoke softly. I nodded at her comforting words.

Friday came around, and I decided that I couldn't hide anymore. So, here we were. We had started to make our way towards the building, and just as we made it to the top of the stairs, a frantic Brooke came running out.

"Melanie! Annabelle!" She shouted with wide eyes and a slightly pale face.

"Brooke, what the hell is going on?"

"I don't think you should go in there." She finally blurted out.

Mel and I exchanged confused glances, our curiosity peaked. Bracing ourselves for what we'd find, we held each others hands for comfort. I was terrified. I didn't know if I even wanted to find out what was going on that had Brooke so frazzled.

Brooke hesitantly pushed the door to the building open and my heart dropped to my feet.

All over the hallways, covering every inch of floor and walls, were pieces of paper scattered everywhere. The papers were taped all over lockers, and falling by people's feet. Nearly everyone in the hallway was holding a handful of papers and laughing.

I dropped my eyes to a few flyers I was standing next to. Picking some up off the floor, I started to glance through them. On the papers, were pictures of me, from that horrible day.

They were all above angles, so everything was covered. They were in black and white so my bruises weren't noticeable. In the way all the pictures were captured, it looks like I'm moaning, when really, I was screaming bloody murder.

There were captions and harsh words covering all the pictures. One of them said 'Annabitch Skankhill finally spreads her legs', and in the picture under it, Logan was on top of me. My wide zombie like eyes and open mouth made it look like I was enjoying it. That was the point in the night when I felt like dying though.

I dropped the papers, not wanting to look at anymore.

Tears had started to pour from my eyes, my face had paled, and my shoulders drooped as I slumped over to hide my face in my hands.

Brooke had a sad, sorry expression on her face. She didn't truly know what was taking place in those photos, but it was nice to see at least someone showing sympathy. When I glanced at Melanie, she still had a look of utter shock as she sifted through some more flyers. Her shock soon vanished and filled with murderous rage. She ripped up the flyers and threw them to the ground. "Those bastards took pictures?! What the hell is wrong with them! I swear when I get my hands on them, they're gonna be eating out of feeding tubes for the rest of their lives!" She screamed.

People in the hallway heard her shouts and their attention turned towards us. When they noticed me standing there, they all started to point and laugh.

I quickly grabbed her hands and started to walk through the chaos to our lockers. I wanted to get out of there and to the back of my first class as quickly as possible. Truthfully I wanted to flee the school in general, but it was too late as I had already been seen. 

"What a whore!" I heard some girl shout.

"Three guys in one night? Skank." Another voice chimed in.

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