Chapter 38

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Time Capsule

Chapter 38




After saying hi to Mr. Skyhill, and leaving Annabelle's house, I drove to our place. I just sat by the lake and thought about things. The moonlight shining on the water made the atmosphere really peaceful, and easy to think in, but I didn't know where to even start? There was so much to think about.

Ever since our little beach camping night, everything I'd been feeling had amplified by a thousand. It was getting progressively harder to look at her everyday and not kiss her. I was so glad that when I was that blind asshole, I never actually kissed her. I would've ruined our first kiss together and I would never forgive myself for that. 

Not that you'll ever get a kiss with her anyways.

I rolled my eyes at the stupid head voice. He always found it necessary to make me feel shittier than I already did. I was certain I was going crazy due to the fact that I'd even given it a name.


I hated when people mispronounced my name and called me Neil. I hated the name Neil. I hated the stupid, uncontrollable voice in my head, so I named it Neil.

Yep. I'm definitely going crazy.

But when you were trying to hide and harbor deep love and affection, it could drive you a bit mad, right?

I glanced over at the hole in the ground that stored the box for five years. Me and Annabelle were here the other day, and we filled it with daisies. She said she didn't like looking at the gaping hole cause it looked sad and depressing. So we filled it with something that made her happy. Flowers.

My mind shifted over to the night we just had. I always used to love our movie marathon sleepover nights, and tonight was no exception. It felt just like old times. I stole her food and annoyed the hell out of her just like I used to. The only difference being, I was in love with her now, so much it hurt, and she still saw me as her childhood best friend.

How pathetic was I? I wish her dad hadn't come home. We were having a nice time and I probably would've stayed over. But it was nice to see him again after all these years. Annabelle's parents were like second parents to me, like mine were to her.

He looked so worn out and tired, I felt kinda bad for him. After all these years, the divorce had really just sucked the life out of him. I should invite him and Annabelle over for dinner. I'm sure my parents would like to see him again, seeing as they all were friends. Maybe it would be good for him. 

I still wanted to know why he told me Annabelle was dead though. What ever lead him to do that? It ruined a huge chunk of my life and made me into a completely repulsive person. I'd been harboring so much anger towards him for that, but after seeing how terrible he looked tonight, I couldn't help but just feel guilty for him.

But I still wanted to know why he did it. I think Annabelle told me before that he wanted to cut all past ties. But was that really necessary? And the detail he went into about her death definitely wasn't needed.

I let out a small sigh as I pulled a daisy out of the hole and twirled it in my hands. I pulled my eyes away from the small flower, and to my front pocket, as my phone started to ring. Placing the flower back in the pile, I curiously took my phone out of my jeans. Who would be calling me at two in the morning? I furrowed my eyebrows at the name that came up on the screen.

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