Chapter 1

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Time Capsule

Chapter 1



Big life changes are always scary for young kids. Things like moving, for example, are terrifying. Especially when it's to a completely different country. 

When I was seven, my parents packed up the three of us and we moved from America to Ireland. My mom had always loved the scenery from the movies she saw and wanted to live here. Both my parents were only children, so I had no cousins, aunts or uncles. Talk about a boring and lonely childhood. 

So, when my Grandma died, my parents decided to leave the country since we had no family there anymore. My parents were always very kind and loving, both to me and anyone we met. So when the sweet little Irish family, that also had an only child, came from across the street to welcome the new American family, the little boy and I connected very quickly. Naturally, we became the best of friends, and it filled the loneliness we each often felt.

But, good things don't always last, and kids usually don't get their way when it comes to big life changes...


Five years ago...


"Nialler, I don't want you to leave!" I cried as I looked over at the young boy who was crying equally as much as me.

"I'm so sorry, but I have no choice! I don't want to leave either!" Niall sobbed.

For two thirteen year old kids who have only had each other since they were seven, saying goodbye was something neither of us wanted to do.

Niall has been with me everyday since I was seven years old. Six whole years. He was the one that got me through every day at school. Being the only shy little American girl doesn't really have perks.

With him leaving, I don't know what I'm going to do. Why does he have to move away all the way to London? He's my only friend. I can't talk to the other kids unless he's there with me. When he leaves, what's going to happen to the little brown haired, brown eyed, shy American girl? I'll be all alone, that's what.

"Annabelle, please don't cry." He whispered while wiping his own tears.

"Niall, you're my only friend! If you leave, I'll have no one! And I-I think my parents are getting divorced!" I broke down even more, "I need you!!"

He wrapped his arms around my small frame and comforted me the best he could in this situation. You see, he is probably the sweetest human being you will ever meet. He is such a gentleman, and has the kindest heart in the world. He couldn't hurt an ant even if he wanted to. Oh gosh, I'm gonna miss him so much.

I wanted to stay wrapped up in his arms for as long as I could. He gives the best hugs and that's something I'm really going to miss. But sadly, he let go and began to wipe his tears. I adjusted my annoying glasses that I hated, and did the same.

"Hey, I almost forgot! I have a surprise for ya! Well, two actually." He shouted, catching me off guard.

"Really?! What is it, Nialler?!" I smiled big and enjoyed the feeling of a smile, knowing I'd probably lose it soon.

"Okay, well first you need to close your precious eyes and turn around." I giggled at his use of the word 'precious', and turned around. I felt something cold and tiny hit my chest.

"Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and instinctively looked down at my chest. I saw the most beautiful, silver heart locket I've ever seen in my whole life.

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