Jungkook places the flowers down on the table by the window, and I immediately remember my manners. "Thanks for the flowers, Jungkook. Are they from everybody or just my maknae bunny?" I ask him grinning. Then I realize that is the first time I have called him that aloud, and I know my face is brightly burning from the amount of heat that rushed to my cheeks.

"They are from everybody, but I was the one that chose daisies." He smiles confidently. "And yes, I'll be your bunny!"

"Only if I get to be your calico cat

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"Only if I get to be your calico cat." I almost groan at the fact that Jimin practically just quoted his own lyrics.

But, instead I just shake my head and smile at him. "You are one adorable dork."

"Ya!"  Jimin shouts

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"Ya!" Jimin shouts.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way. I only meant you are exceptionally silly. I mean I did say adorable before the dork part after all. Granted I could have said adorkable but I wasn't sure you would get that." I smirk at him.

He must either know the reference or put it together on his own with the way he responds. "Hmm. I can live with adorkable. But, not while I am on stage."

Yeah, on stage you are kind of the polar opposite of adorkable. Sex appeal oozes from his pores when he is performing.

"I'm not quite as bunny like on stage either." Also, pretty damn accurate.

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Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora