Chapter 39: Granola Bar or Seafood Udon?

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Yes, and I should be asking you that," you replied.

"Tch, you... did you really just eat lunch with that fucking nerd!? Protein bars isn't enough for lunch you know! And with your current state, you need more food in your system, you idiot!" He started to scream.

'Why hello there Kai,' you greeted him mentally.

"Hey, don't call me idiot, you idiot!" you retaliated.

Kai gritted his teeth, already showing a pissed-off face.

Narrator POV

Kai loosened his hold with (Y/n)'s wrist, wanting to let go due to her stubbornness.

"You... you fucking lousy kisser! I want my moment with you too!" Kai boldly screamed at (Y/n)'s face.

(Y/n) was taken aback, but pouted in front of Kai. "Don't use that nickname on me!"

"Why? Because it'll remind you of that nerd? Huh!?"

"What? No!! I—" Kai flicked (Y/n)'s forehead, completely ignoring the fact that she was already injured.

(Y/n) yanked her wrist from Kai's grip and held her forehead. "Ow! That hurts you know!?"

"That's what you get you dense-face! Tch!" Kai turned around again with his eyebrows connecting again. 'How on earth did she not realize everything I just said?!'

"The hell, do I need to be more fucking obvious?" Kai muttered to himself.

(Y/n) pulled on Kai's uniform wanting his attention again. "Stop talking to yourself, and tell me why you dragged me out of the clinic already."

Kai, who is more than willing to hold back his annoyance, turned to face (Y/n) again and took her hand this time. "I'm dragging you to the classroom to eat proper lunch, you dolt."

(Y/n) looked at her right hand where Kai's hand is wrapped around it and to her left hand which is still holding a newly opened granola bar. Then to Kai's cold-green eyes, but to her surprise, the lightest shade of pink began to spread on Kai's face.

(Y/n) yanked her right hand from Kai upon noticing his pink shade.

'Oh no, is it my quirk doing this? Am I giving people slight fevers to whoever I touch? Is that why Cu-san and Kai-san are turning pink!?' she realized.

However, what (Y/n) did not realize was the slight pain Kai's eyes wore after her little action.

'Oh,' Kai thought.

"Tch, just follow me back to the classroom!" Kai muttered annoyingly.

(Y/n) looked up to Kai again, but met the back of his head again. He began to fast-walk, ignoring (Y/n)'s struggles.

"W-wait! I can't walk as fast as you! Hold up!" (Y/n) called out.

"Tch, slow-ass!" Kai grunted loudly without a care in the world.


Both Kai and (Y/n) sat quietly in the assigned classroom for I-Island Academy. (Y/n) was occupied eating delicious seafood udon that Kai bought for her. Kai sat from afar and looked in her direction to watch her eat.

(Y/n) slurped the noodles in her chopsticks slowly, before glancing over to Kai again.

"What is it this time?" Kai grunted annoyingly.

"I just wanted to thank you," (Y/n) replied.

Kai rested his chin on his right palm, "yeah, yeah. Now eat before I forcefully feed it to you."

"No, um, the food is great. I wanted to thank you for also keeping your cool in the auditorium," she added.

Kai blinked, then cupped his mouth with his hand he rested on.

"Whatever, you nerd," he mumbled into his hand.

(Y/n) almost smiled at Kai, but refrained herself from doing so. She took another set of noodles in her chopsticks and ate some more. Minutes pass by without another word between the two I-Island Academy students. It was quite peaceful, considering it is (Y/n) and Kai in the same room and alone together.

When (Y/n) finally finished her noodles and the broth is all that is left in her bowl, Kai finally mustered the courage to ask a question to his class president.

"Hoy, Lousy Kisser."


You looked to Kai with a startled look, "What is it?"

"This afternoon, will you be joining classes again?"

You nodded.

"If that's the case,"

The lunch bell rang throughout the whole school, but that did not stop Kai from finishing his sentence.

"then I hope you would not do anything to push yourself again."

The lunch bell stopped ringing and Kai continued to stare at you again. You froze in his stare feeling like a doe stuck in headlights.

"I won't make promises."

Kai furrowed his brows at this. "You're as stubborn as ever."

"If I wasn't, then things would not go my way," you replied. "And besides, I still need to do my job as a class president. I have failed to keep the three of you away from danger."

"You need to stop this bullshit about you keeping us away from danger. Stop pushing yourself and let us handle ourselves."

You shook your head again, "everyone may agree to that, but I do not. I may be like this, but I am not the weakling all of you are familiar with."

Kai was about to speak again, but you interrupted him by standing from your chair and walking towards the classroom door. Kai is left to stare at the bowl with excess broth on your desk with his mouth gaping. You shut the door, not wanting to hear the next statement Kai is about to mention.

You predicted Kai wanted to take care of you, along with the others. However, you were tired of it. You want them to stop worrying for you. You need to show them that you can stand your ground. And you will show them all, including your classmates who doubt you so much, that you can still stand and fight with a missing leg and eye.

"' All eyes on me' right Recovery Girl? Well then, let's show them all who they are dealing with."


A/N: Next time on Dragon Ba-- I mean! Next chapter! Will, you finally read the long-awaited 2nd punishment? & also, Granola Bar or Seafood Udon? or something else? ;) Hope you like the chapter <3

I-Island Academy's Class President || BNHA x F!Reader||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें