Chapter 26: Free Meal

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The bell rang ending math class. In an instant, all the doors of every classroom slid open to pour out hungry students for lunchtime. Some students ran towards the cafeteria, wanting to grab the exclusive meal today. Almost everyone in Class 1-A fled to the cafeteria to buy food before a big line-up forms. (Y/n) yawned in her seat as she packed her stuff into her backpack, obviously taking her time.

She does not notice some boys looking at her in wonder why she already looks so tired. Obvious eye bags adorned her face, and her sitting position made her look exhausted. "Are you alright (L/n)-chan?" asked Tsuyu.

(Y/n) nodded, "I can manage, its just... I didn't get any proper sleep last night."

"Is it because of Mineta?" asked Aoyama, concern filling his eyes.

(Y/n) cocked her head, "who?"

Aoyama's head sparkled in realization, "we did not properly introduce ourselves to you haven't we?"

(Y/n) nodded, "only the girls, Iida-san, and you have introduced themselves to me. So who is Mineta?"

Aoyama pointed across the class to the purple-haired boy who peeked at her. A disapproving click from her tongue was heard from (Y/n) as she finally acquired the pervert's name. Kaminari, who was standing near to Mineta and Sero, noticed Aoyama chatting with (Y/n) without any sense of fear; unlike Mineta who have accumulated fear and the hots for her.

"Anyways, would you like to come to eat lunch with us (L/n)-chan?" asked Tsuyu.

(Y/n) stared at her with wide eyes and quickly shoved her backpack to Aoyama. She quickly left the class, leaving Tsuyu hanging in the air and Aoyama looking shocked.

"I guess she did not want to? And did she just leave her backpack in class?"

Aoyama frowns, seeing and experiencing how unladylike she was at all. Looking down on her backpack, he decides to linger around the class before grabbing his lunch.


Location: Lunch Rush's Cafeteria


You got to Lunch Rush's Cafeteria as soon as possible. Each step you took made a clicking sound, making the other students in the corridor look tour way. You paid no mind to it since you were rushing.

'How on All Might did I forget about the free meal after the bet!?'

As soon as you saw the distinct mahogany sign, you quickly entered the cafeteria room and scanned the whole place. You've already forgotten where I-Island Academy's table was but luckily you were called out by a shout.

"(L/N)-SAN! Over here!"

Your body faced the shout and you could see Suzu holding a tray with a pile of pork buns on it while waving his other hand rapidly; trailing from behind was your other two classmates who look disheartened. Kai jolted from his state and decided to run for the hills upon seeing you walk closer to them.

Axel quickly grabbed the back of his collar and yanked him back next to him. "Oh no, you're the one who placed the bet, you need to stick to it."

"But one-eye eats far more than this nerd! Do you want to stay for honour? You're a dumbass!"

You heard Kai's comment but brushed it off quickly knowing your classmates will be providing you with a free meal. When you stopped in front of your three classmates a happy vibe quickly encased you even without wearing a smile.

"If we were in an anime show, you definitely would be surrounded with sparkles and flowers (L/n)-san," Suzu chuckled.

You nodded vigorously not absorbing the words and pointed towards where Lunch Rush was taking orders from the students. You may not have been smiling, but your other classmates knew you were more than ecstatic to be receiving a free meal. It almost seems like you were jumping like an infant girl holding a lollipop. With others you still seem quite normal, wearing you usual tight-lipped frowny face who's face features never seem to change.

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