19) confused

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I was a couple seconds from being stripped of my clothes when Thomas came in and tackled him to the ground.

Looking over, I saw so much violence in him that I should've known was there. He emotionlessly choked and punched the man that almost took advantage of me.

Fearing Thomas would hurt me next, I sprinted out of the room and knocked on Ames door.

When he opened the door, I ran into his arms. Safety, I felt safe.

Soon after Thomas walked in the door. "Are you okay?" His voice was remorseful.

I wanted to answer him, but I couldn't get the words out.

I couldn't see him because I was burying my face into Ames chest. His footsteps moved towards the door, leading me to believe that he was leaving. I had to say something, I had to thank him.

"Wait." I turned my head. "Thank you."

I expected him to say something back, but he just walked out the room.

"What happened?" Ames sounded sad.

"Some- some guy came into my room and- and he was trying to- he was trying to-"

"Who is he? I'll take care of him." He stiffened.

"Thomas already did. He is the one who saved me." I said as I sat on his bed, pushing my hair behind my ears.

"Are you okay?" He sat next to me.

"I am now." I whispered, slowly looking up and into his light eyes.

He tried to reach for my face but I turned my head, unsure of where my thoughts stood.

"I should've locked the door, I was the one who brought you up." He breathed out, combing his fingers through his floppy dirty blonde hair.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have gotten drunk... I just wanted to forget for a little bit." My voice cracked.

"Forget what?" He stood back up. "My stepfather, my life...and- and... Thomas." I said the last part so quiet that I could barely hear it.

"Thomas? What do you mean?" He sounded confused.

We stood silent for a minute. I couldn't tell him, he just told me he liked me and I'm supposed to tell him his brother kissed me... and I let him. But at the same time, I didn't want to lie to him. He has shown me nothing but kindness.

Who would I be if I became a liar?

"He kissed me." I blurted out. I could tell that he was trying to hold on his emotions.

"Oh." He looked at his feet. "Are you mad?" I stepped closer to him. "No, why would I be. It's not like we are dating or anything." He coughed.

He was shifting his weight between his toes and his heel.

"Okay good, I didn't want to hurt you. You mean everything to me." The last sentence blurted out of my mouth. But it was true. He saved me from years of torment.

He didn't say anything, he looked lost in his thoughts. I was about to say something when he lunged forward and tackled me into a deep kiss, knocking us on his bed.

His hands roamed my waist and fiddled with the end of my shirt.

His lips cautiously moved against mine, not wanting me to feel uncomfortable.

The kisses he planted on my face slowly traveled down to my neck, causing me to let out a quiet moan.

Are legs intwined with eachother as he switched between my lips and my neck.

"Is this okay?" He stopped briefly. "Yes." I breathed out.

My body was aching for more.

I tried to pull off his shirt but he took my wrists gently and held them above my head while he sucked on my neck.

He moved so eagerly, like he was trying to prove something.

My whole body was burning for something, I didn't know what it was.

While he attacked my neck, I ran my fingers through his hair and gripped it. My legs wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer.

The sound of heavy breathing filled the room.

"Can I?" His fingers traced the zipper on my dress, desperation in his voice.

Insecurities flooded my head as soon as he asked me that question.

John always said I was disgusting and nobody would ever want me. Maybe he is right. I can't let Ames see my body.

"We should stop." I forced myself to speak, even though I wanted nothing more then to keep going.

"Okay." He gasped for air.

Looking lost in his thoughts he spoke again, "I'm sorry."

I traced my lips with my finger, "it's okay, I'm sorry for letting him kiss me." I got off the bed and tried to fix my messy hair.

I stood in front of the mirror and looked at my flustered state. My lips were swollen, my neck had red spots on it and my body was aching. He stood directly behind me. Lowering his lips to my neck again.

I opened my mouth in satisfaction. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He whispered in between kisses.

My heart fluttered with excitement, but at the same time, I couldn't believe HE would ask ME.

I confirmed his question but turning back around and attacking his still wet lips.

My mind kept wandering to Thomas. How would he feel? I don't want to hurt him. Maybe I should tell him.

I don't know why I cared so much.

I don't know why I cared so much

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