9) sorry

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I managed to find my way to Carters house. He asked a bunch of questions about how I got here but I lied and told him someone dropped me off.

"Good morning." I managed to yawn out as I stretched my limbs.

"Good morning." Carter said back.

After I got here, I instantly went to bed.

"Charwie!" Toby poked me.

"Hi bubba, what's up?"

"Me and Carter played video games last night and it was so fun!!" He jumped up and down.

I looked over at Carter and he was looking at Toby with a big smile on his face. "How fun." I tried to sound enthusiastic but I was still a little tired from coming back late.

The whole walk home, I was worried I was going to get jumped or shot.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"7:30." He said calmly. Then both of our eyes widened. "WE ARE LATE!!"

After scrambling to get ready, we finally got to school. I was 20 minutes late to my first period but it could've been worse.

I stopped in front of the class door. I really hope nobody looks at me when I walk in.

Surely enough, when I walk in to give the teacher my note, the class was staring at me. But the only person who didn't take their eyes off of me was Ames. Oh shoot I forgot he was in this class.

I quietly sat down at my desk and avoided looking towards Ames at all costs. Once again, papers and pokes were being thrown my way.

"Leave me the fuck alone." I mouthed. That must have gotten to him because the rest of the class period, he didn't bother me anymore.

 That must have gotten to him because the rest of the class period, he didn't bother me anymore

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When Toby and I got home, John wasn't there. So I cleaned the house and cooked him his favorite food; steak. Hopefully that will makeup for not coming home yesterday.

The front door opened and my step father appeared. "I cleaned the house and made you steaks." I told him, a puppy dog look on my face.

"Where were you yesterday." He asked calmly.

"I was at Carters, we had to finish a important school project." He nodded his head and passed me to go into the kitchen. When I turned around, a slap touched my face.

"Tell me next time." I cupped my cheek in my hand and nodded.

Walking back to my room, I was surprised at how easily he let me off. Not complaining though.

I jumped on my bed and did homework while Toby was sleeping. That's when I heard my phone beep.

Hey Charlie, it's Ames. Talk to me please. -Ames

I rolled my eyes and continued my chemistry homework. Ding ding. My phone ringed again. But instead of looking at it, I turned it completely off.

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