"So educate me in the kind of chocolate you like." Hobi smirks at me and sighs for just a second. "Truthfully this is why I asked you to begin with. So I could be prepared when you needed it."

My mouth drops in an o. Damn, he wanted to buy me chocolate to pamper me? That kind of thoughtfulness deserves a reward. I indicate the box as I open it. "Have you ever had this before?"

  "Have you ever had this before?"

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"No. What is it?" I can see the genuine curiosity on his face.

"This, dear Hobi, is a chocolate orange." He wrinkles his nose in distaste. "Not a real chocolate orange. It's chocolate that has an orange flavor infused into it, but part of the enjoyment of eating it is this." I show him the sticker on top that says 'whack and unwrap.' Then I lean over to the nightstand and slam it against the wooden piece of furniture. There has always been a sense of satisfaction in whacking it against a hard surface. I'm not sure if the person who created them was thinking of premenstrual women taking out their aggression on the chocolate delicacy, but hey whatever coping mechanism works I guess. I peel back the aluminum wrapping after that, opening it, and handing him a piece. "Try some."

He looks at the orange shaped chocolate wedge skeptically. Then tentatively takes a bite. I find myself smiling despite my pain when a look of wonder crosses over his face. "Okay I see why you like this so much. I'm honestly partially glad you didn't tell me about it too. I wouldn't have thought to put it in the fridge."

I wince. "Yeah, we are going to have to eat all of the chocolate before we leave for Brazil, otherwise it will melt. I didn't really think about that before I purchased it."

I hear a notification pop up on both our phones. That immediately tells me it's group chat so I reach over and grab it.

Jin: It's nearly supper time. Have you eaten yet?

Crap, where did the day go? Oh yeah it went to hellacious traffic and mood swings.

Me: I haven't yet. No. Truthfully, I'm not very hungry but I do need to order something. Did everyone want to come over and eat with me?

"I give it three seconds." Hobi says and starts counting down with his fingers. He frowns when all his fingers are bent forward into a fist, and there is no expected knock at the door. "Oh, they are slow." He mutters just before the knock he had foreseen resounds from the door. "You stay put. I'll let them in."

I put a wedge of chocolate in my mouth as the others trickle in. They all have wary looks on their faces, and I frown at myself. I did that. I put those looks on their faces. "I'm sorry I've been distant today."

"Did we do something wrong?" Tae asks.

"No, not even remotely." Then I reconsider that. "Well, Namjoon sort of did, but not intentionally."

Namjoon's face registers shock. "What was it that I did?"

I twist my face in, what I can only hope reflects, comical discomfort. "You said something, most likely sweet, in Korean and made me exceptionally frustrated at not understanding the language." I tack on a laugh at the end of the statement so he understands that I am mostly teasing.

Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Reverse Harem x OC story)Where stories live. Discover now