Posion Evan x Chubby gardener wife reader ( from book 2)

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You are the wife of poison Evan who is a villain to the whole city of Gotham, and every time he was caught by batman he was sent to jail. It had come to a point where you had it with Evan telling you he had changed and will start to be good, and not hurt people. You really hated when you saw him flirt with random people in front of you.

Batman" do you know where your husband is"

y/n" no he hasn't even called yet so. I think he hiding out with harry or someone else"

superman" we need to know where is he.... you know of all the damage he can do when he on the lose"

y/n" I know"

flash" don't you get tired of being married to a man like him... he does not even respect you he maybe with some other chick" everyone but you look at flash with a mad look on their face, your husband had escape jail earlier today. now the justice league is looking for him and they had gone to you first hoping to get him.

Batman" Flash"

Flash" what I'm telling the truth everyone knows about it even the league of doom laugh, at her for still being with him she blind to the truth"

Green Lantern " Flash you don't have the right to talk about her...."

Y/n" well to everyone information I'm leaving this city for good, my mother left me her house when she died... so if he escapes again ask someone else... now please leave"

Superman" we can't he might stop by here...."

Y/n" why would he flash is right he might be with doom or some other girl laughing at me" you soon walked away from all the male superheroes to go attend some business in the flower shop. The superheroes still stayed at the shop but hideaway waiting for Evan to finally show his face.

y/n" what do you have to say... you keep looking at me"

Flash" what I said was wrong I know and ...."

y/n" it okay just leave it alone" soon enough the ground start to shake fast and hard, and out of nowhere some vines warped around you forming a pod. You knew it was evan working meaning he was not far away. soon enough the vines open and you noticed you are in the old and abandon greenhouse.

Y/n" Evan"

poison Evan " hello my dear"

y/n" why have you taken me here anyways"

poison Evan" somewhere... hey we are together now"

y/n" what do you need Evan"

poison Evan" I just did your help getting away from them"

y/n" Evan just go back to jail and do your time"

poison Evan" no I can't I have...."

y/n" other people to use" Evan just looked at you and said nothing you soon started to walk away from him, but the vines stopped you.

poison Evan" stay please" you were about to say something but the justice league had shown up and were now looking at you and Evan.

Superman " you are coming with us"

poison Evan" no" a fight soon started between Evan and the superheroes you did your best to find safety but that would not work for you. Soon enough you had been knocked off the fifth floor of the greenhouse, by one of Evan vines that were meant to attack flash.

poison Evan" no please no" Evan soon ran over the edge of the fifth floor with some of the superheroes, while superman and green lantern were near your body.

poison Evan" no she can't....." for some luck you had survived that fall but you lose all feeling in your .......Evan had been taken to jail and locked up in maximum security there were rumors going around that he wanted to see you. The justice league had taken you some where he and no else from his friends could find you.

Y/n" hello welcome to my flower shop... oh hey barry"

barry" hello y/n how is going"

y/n" good but I keep on have these headaches and these random, guy faces keep on showing up and he called out my name"

barry" It nothing hey let me help you out here today"

y/n" sure there an extra apron in the back"

barry" sure I will be back in a flash" you laugh after barry had said that barry has been a close friend of yours since you could remember he was even there for you after you car crash that later gave you bad headache and leg pain.

with barry

flash" she seems to be doing well she doesn't even remember him"

superman" that sounds great and you and her seems to be getting close over time"

flash" it all my fault what happened to her and now I'm doing my best to help her out, and over time I'm enjoying my time with her"

superman" you and her are meet each other and she might remember what happened, and it seems like she won't be mad at you for what happpend"

flash" I hope so" soon barry walked back into the shop and started helping you with some orders while joking around with you.

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now