Male prince cadence x dead chubby pony wife sad one

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There will be a happy version of prince cadence and the reader future later on in the book.

You had been married to prince cadence for three years, and it has been good and wonderful three years. You at first had been best friends with prince cadence and soon, had fallen in love with him and become lovers. Everything was going well, but soon enough you had been called, away to deal with some business in other kingdom. You had gotten done packing for the trip, when your husband showed up to greet you along.

Prince cadence " love are you sure you want go now "

Y/n " yes I'm sure and the sooner I get there the sooner I get back "

Prince cadence " okay love but please be safe and careful "

Y/n " hey I have shining Armor with me and three other guards" soon shining Armor came walking into the room, he soon took off his helmet to make better eye contact with you and cadence.

Shining Armor " are you ready to go y/n "

Y/n " yes I'm "

Prince cadence " promise to keep her safe my friend "

Shining Armor " I will " after ten minutes you and shining Armor soon left the kingdom, well nit before you said good bye to shining Armor and two other ponies. During the travel you and shinny armor talked about the old times, before you had became queen and married prince cadence.

Shining armor " I can't believe you two got married still "

Y/n " hey buddy you might not be far off from getting married, I have been hearing you been spending time with some luck mare "

Shining armor " I knew you would find out sooner or later "

Y/n " yep " everything was going well until there was a giant bast of dark unicorn magic, that hit the ground and blast everyone to the floor.

Shining armor " are you okay y/n "

Y/n " yes what about you and the others "

Shining armor " everyone seems to be fine .... look out " before shining armor could do anything a blast of dark magic hit you pushing you far way. Shining armor and the other guards did their best to get over to you, but then soon had been stoped by some stallions that were made of stone.

Shining armor " men fight and get to the queen "

Guards " yes sir " you had gotten up from the ground and did you best to fright off a few stone stations that were coming towards you. You used you magic to fright them off, soon enough a more powerful male stallion was standing, right in front of you.

Y/n " Sombra "

Sombra " it good to see you again y/n so where is your husband "

Y/n "  he not here "

Sombra " oh well it seems like I have to hurt those guards to get him here " Sombra soon used his magic and was about to hit shining armor and the others when you stoped him. Sombra magic had hit you which made him smiling he was now able to hurt prince cadence badly.

Shining armor " y/n no " shining armor ran over to your body which had fallen to the ground, soon enough the other guards had joined him. They were all ready to fight off Sombra and make him pay for what he had done to you, shining did his best to save you nothing worked. You soon had dead due to the pain of the magic spell that Sombra had done , on you.

Sombra " I finally have won cadence will not feel the pain of heartache and hate "

Shining armor " dead you fool " before shining armor magic could hit Sombra he disappeared while laughing evilly at what he had just done. Shining armor held you dead body close, because now he knew he had to tell his best friend the truth at will break his heart.

Back home

Once shining armor had told cadence what had happened cadence had lost it and began to break things with his magic, he was in a rage of angry and hurt. He knew he would never see the love of his life every again , soon enough shining armor had claimed him down.

Shining armor " cadence think about the boys they need their father "

Prince cadence " your right shining " soon the throne room door had opened and in came raining two small clots, who had big smiles on their face. None of them knew the truth of what had happened to their mother, they thought she was back early. The two colts names were black moon and sun ray, they soon were both standing right in front of their father and uncle.

Black moon " daddy is mommy home "

Sun Ray " yeah she promised to help us will out spells "

Shining armor " cadence "

Prince cadence " hey boys I have something to tell you about your mother "

Black moon " okay "

Prince cadence " your mother won't be coming home "

Sun ray " oh then when will she be back daddy "

Prince cadence " oh my dear sons your mother won't be coming home at all.. she has passed away "

Black moon " what do you mean "

Sun ray " dose she not love us anymore "

Prince cadence " not she dose but she will still be with you "

Black moon " no I want mommy now she can't be gone " black moon soon started crying, cadence walked over to his son and warped his wings over him.

Sun ray " mommy " sun ray soon walked over to his father and brother and joined them in the sad group hug crying. Shining armor stood there watching trying not to cry as well, but they soon failed tears began to fall down his face. Soon enough shining armor felt a small body leaning on him, he opened his eyes to see sun ray leaning on him crying.

Sun ray" uncle shining why did mommy have to go, she said she would be home "

Shining armor " I know kiddo I know " shining soon hugged the small colt hoping this was some type of nightmare and it will all be over soon.

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum