Greaser x chubby girlfriend reader

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You are dating a handsome boy named Johnny who is also a greaser as well. He is the type of boy that was gets in trouble with the law or school. A lot of the adults in the town disliked Johnny and his pals. You had been part of their group for the while as the good girl, which you still are and soon you began to date Johnny. After he confessed to at that the drive in movie one Friday.

You are now that the dinner with Johnny having a date night, which you haven't had in a long time. The rest of Johnny gang was sitting at a table cross from, you guys. You noticed some them were looking at group of thin cute popular girls, you could see Johnny is also looking at one with blonde hair.

Johnny " hey babe are you not going to help me eat this sundae we order"

Y/n " oh no I'm fine Johnny"

Johnny " what wrong you also love eating sundaes "

Y/n " Johnny I just don't want one now"

Johnny " hey why don't we go for a drive under the stars and listen to music "

Y/n " umm I told my mother I would be home before 10:00"

Johnny " well is 8:30 so we have some time, for a nightly drive "

Y/n " oh okay" Johnny soon got up from his seat, he walked over to you and grabbed your hand. Soon enough you are standing up and being pulled out, of the dinner by Johnny. Soon enough you are in Johnny car driving somewhere, few minutes had gone by and you said nothing to Johnny.

Johnny " hey why don't we listen to some music, to light up the mood"

Y/n "umm sure " Johnny had switched on the radio, and soon some music started playing.

Johnny " hey did you hear butch challenge me to a drag race tomorrow night"

Y/n " oh "

Johnny " I wanted to know will you be there to cheer me on"

Y/n " sorry I can't I have something to do tomorrow "

Johnny " what do you have to do tomorrow"

Y/n " a school club meeting "

Johnny " oh what about after the race  me and you go out, and have a one and one time"

Y/n " umm sure Johnny " soon Johnny had stopped the car and parked, it on a cliff of a mountain. Johnny had lower down the music and place his right arm around your shoulders.

Johnny " what a beautiful view "

Y/n " yes it is Johnny" Johnny lead in for a kiss, but you brushed him away very fast.

Johnny " okay what wrong babe and don't tell me it nothing.... you been acting weird all night "

Y/n " I really don't comfortable in this relationship and my own body "

Johnny " I have done anything to make you feel uncomfortable.... if I had I will do anything to make you feel ...."

Y/n "'Johnny just stop please just stop "

Johnny "'no not until I know what I can go to make you feel better about yourself and this relationship"

Y/n " ......"

Johnny " i wasn't looking at that girl in the dinner... if you think I was "

Y/n " ......"

Johnny " she is butch soon to be ex girl and she had been speaking about you"

Y/n " thank you Johnny "

Johnny " hey listen to me doll face I will never cheat on you because you are my whole world"

Y/n " I think I'm going to need you to prove that "

Johnny " oh do you " Johnny soon pulled you into a kiss.

Johnny " is that enough proof I do you need a little bit more "

Y/n " oh Johnny" you soon kiss Johnny on the lips, making him kiss back. You soon stop kissing him when you heard and car horn go off. Both you and Johnny turn around to see the rest of the guys, in their car smirking and laughing.

Boy 1 " oh Johnny boy has finally is tied down "

Boy 2 " he is such a softy when it comes to y/n "

Boy 3 " wait to go y/n " the guys keep on cracking jokes which, soon made you start laughing. The guys were now standing out of their car, still joking around.

Johnny " I will be back " Johnny get out of the driver seat and run straight over, to the guys. Who soon stated running away yelling and screaming, trying to not get a beaten from Johnny.

Y/n " get them Johnny " you cheer on your boyfriend as his chase his friends around.

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum