Male angel x chubby angel reader x male dark angel

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This time is angel story will end of different term, then the last one. I hope you all love it.

You had been best friends with the angel prince Leon and the dark angel prince Hella. You thought they will always stay by your side and never betray you. They had been the few people who have accepted you for being chubby girl, and not skinny like the rest. One afternoon you had agreed to meet both of them, near the barrier of both kingdoms. They said they had something to tell you, that was very important.

Y/n " I swear on of these days they might be on time "

Hella " sorry we are late "

Y/n " ummm "

Leon " we have a goof excuse for being late "

Y/n " it okay you two so what so important "

Hella " well we have find the perfect girls to be our queens " once you heard that you felt happy and hurt that the same time. You really did not know why you felt hurt at the same time.

Leon " y/n are you okay "

Y/n " oh yes so... who are these lucky girls "

Hella " well her name is sherry "

Leon " and the girl I love is amber " once you hear those names, you remember they were the names of the two girls who mainly bullied you with their friends. When no ones was around to help you out.

Y/n " oh that sound wonderful "

Leon " we are so glad you happy to here your support "

Hella " we thought you wound of said no or made fun of our chose "

Y/n " I would never do that you guys are my best friends and I will also support you "

Hella " we will never betray you "

Leon " we will also listen to your side of the story "

Few months had gone by the guys had sent up a few events, for you and their girlfriends. They are wanted you to become best fiends with, their girlfriends. You did your best for the his but is never went well at times. One night you had been dragged to the barrier, by a few guards. You soon had been tossed to the flor by them breaking you left arm.

Y/n " ahh " you soon had you faced grabbed hard, you soon are looking up at Leon and Hella they seemed mad about something.

Leon " how could you y/n we thought you were our friend "

Y/n " what do you mean " just then Leon punched you in the face and kicked you in your hip.

Hella " you know what you did you evil fool, how dare you try to bully our loves and say your going to kill them "

Y/n " that never happened "

Dark queen " are you sure y/n the girls seem to be telling the truth "

Angel king " oh y/n I thought better of you "

Y/n " I swear they are lairs they are the evil ones " just then sherry and amber began to fake cry, getting everyone there more mad at you. All four royals told the guards to beat you up some more, during at time you could see both girls smirking at you when no one was looking at them. Soon enough the beating stopped, you soon had been focused to stand and look at Leon and Hella.

Hella " you y/n are for now on exiled from the dark angel kingdom "

Leon " same for the angel kingdom as well... of you try to go to any other kingdom you will face the same exile or death..: every one will know how cruel and evil you are "

Y/n " please no please no "

Dark queen " her wings off both dark and good "

Guards " yes your majesty " you soon felt and sword cut your wings both good and evil. You soon had gotten an other beating after that you had been dragged away in chains. You had been dropped off on a mountain that had an old and forgotten castle.

Y/n " why why they promise they broke their promise "

?????? " you feel hurt child don't you " you looked up form the cold and snowing ground to see two floating balling of dark and light power.

???? " be nice to the child ivy she has been abused by the ones she once loved"

Y/n " what are you two "

Ivy " I'm the power of dark angel magic and the light is sunny "

Sunny " I'm the power of angel magic "

Y/n " why are you here with me I'm nothing but use less "

Sunny " we can prove you wrong "

Ivy " you just have to trust us "

Y/n " I have nothing else to lose, all the one so loved are gone and the ones I love even more " you got up from the ground still in pain, you touch both light and dark. In a flash you change for the girl you used to be, now it was time to watched everything else fall into place.

Y/n " now let the game began " two giant Phoenixes that had dark and light feathers soon appeared in front of you.

Ivy " they will pay for what they did to you "

Sunny " yes child when they did you it will be to late "

Y/n " I love that sound of that " you used you news wings and flew into the air. You clapped your hands hard and made everything around you change into light and dark. You soon landed in front of castle door, you push opened the door walk in with ivy and sunny following. You soon got to to the thorn room and sat on the throne, once you had did that the statue men on the room came alive and bowed two you. Both Phoenixs are sitting on the stairs to your throne.

Statue men" long live the queen long live the queen "

Y/n " now we just have to sit and wait "

Far away

Dark queen " what have we done "

Angel king " we have to find her now "

????? " it to late you two old fools you finally made a new queen, and she not bowing down that easy to your two or your sons "

Dark queen " please help us out "

????? " I'm sorry but not I think I would love to see how there plays out for, all of you now it time for all of you to learn a lesson "

Angel King " what lesson "

????? " never betray the honest and caring ones, once you do it never going to be the same "

If you guys want to hear more please comment or if  have any music requests for the others chapters please comment. I might make this into a book as well.

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin