greasers x good nerd chubby girl

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It 1950's and you are in your chemistry period right now class had started a few minutes ago, and everyone had been assigned groups but you. you really did not care if you have a group to work with, you enjoyed working alone.

???? " hey teach sorry we are late" you looked up from your notes to see Tony and Butch had just walked into the classroom, the two greaser bad boys of the school.

teacher" well you two it good you are here, you two will be working with y/n on the project"

Butch " sure teach let's go, Tony,"

Tony" okay" soon the two greasers boys joined you that the table and you could smell the cigarette smoke coming off of them.

Butch " so you are the good two shoes y/n of the school"

y/n " well yes and you are the two bad boys of the school, who are always causing trouble around here"

Tony " so you have heard about us"

y/n" yes and I have heard about your smoking habits as well"

Butch " I told you someone will notice"

Tony " Oh hush butch"

Butch " you know you are the type of girl"

y/n" what dose that mean"

Tony" you're a girl who stands up for herself and can put a man in his place"

y/n" oh well if you boys don't mind we have a project to work on"

Butch " sure love" after more of the guys sweet-talking towards you, you were able to get some of the work done with before class had ended. during class, everyone kept on asking you if you are dating tony or butch and you gave them the same answer as always. It was one and a time things between you and the guys in any, class you had with them.

later that day

soon the school students parking lot had emptied but there one more car waiting and you were walking straight towards it, Butch and Tony are standing outside of the car you soon get closer to Bucth and he takes your books and placed them onto the hood of the car. He pulls you into a kiss on the lips, and you soon kissed him back.

butch" I love it when you shot us down in class"

y/n" Well I love it when you two make class fun"

tony " hey where is my kiss baby girl" butch let you go and you walked over to tony and gave him a kiss on the lips. 

tony " hey why don't we had to Annie diner for a dinner date babe" 

y/n" I love the sound of that" 

butch " great let's get going " you soon get into the guy's cars with them and head off to the diner, for a dinner date with your two greaser boyfriends. 

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora