Yandere Mori x chubby reader

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You went to ouran academy your mother was a rich fashion and beauty designer. You are childhood friends with everyone in the host club. You have been in a long friendship with honey and Mori. Mori and honey were your best friends because they always stood up for you when someone bullied you due to you being chubby. Soon the rest of the host club members stood up for you when classmates made fun of you as well.

You have been noticing everyone has been acting weird for the past couple of weeks. So you decided to go to the music room to talk with honey and the others to see what was wrong. You soon got to the music room and open up the door. You soon were greeted by Tamaki.

Tamaki " hey y/n my dear "

Y/n " hello Tamaki "

Tamaki " you came that a right time we had just open up "

Y/n " that wonderful but I actually came to see if everything was going well for you guys because you all have been acting weird " Tamaki looked that you for a while making you worry even more.

Tamaki " oh no dear everything is going well "

Y/n " are you sure if anything wrong I can help you "

Tamaki " no dear everything is fine don't worry too much "

Y/n " ok Tamaki "

Tamaki " so how have your classes been going "

Y/n " good thank you for asking Tamaki "

????" Y/n " you look behind Tamaki to see honey.

Y/n " hey honey"

Honey " did you came to have tea and cake with us "

Y/n " no I came to ask Tamaki and question but I can stay for cake and tea for a short while "

Honey " good " you sat that a table with honey and had some tea and cake with him. You could tell honey was not his normal cheerfully self and he was not eating that much of his cake.

Y/n " honey is something wrong you are not eating your cake "

Honey " oh I'm fine "

Y/n " are you sure you don't sick or something "

Honey " no y/n everything is fine " honey began to eat his cake without making eye contact with you. Just then Kyoya cane over to the table carrying is a notebook.

Y/n " hello Kyoya "

Kyoya " hello y/n I thought you would not be coming in until later "

Y/n " well I came early because I was worried about something but I talk with Tamaki about it so everything is fine "

Kyoya " well that good by I'm sorry to inform you but we have to close early to deal with something important for the club "

Y/n " well ok " you got up from your seat worried about what Kyoya had told you. You said goodbye to honey, Kyoya, and Tamaki. You soon were waiting that the school entrance for your driver to come to pick you up. You soon felt someone looking that you from behind so you turned around to see Mori looking that you.

Y/n " oh Mori you scared me "

Mori " sorry "

Y/n " I just stop by the music room I wish I saw
You there " Mori keep on looking that you making you think nothing of it. Mori never talks that much so you just played it off. Soon your limo pulled up and your driver got out.

Y/n " well my ride this here but I will text you once I get home mori bye "

Mori " bye " you got into the limo and waved goodbye to mori. Soon your limo took off and you did not see the angry on mori face. He stormed off back into the school with a smile of psycho. You and text mori and the other once you got home and heard nothing from them. You thought they all might be busy and you will see them tomorrow.

You had fallen asleep and later on in your bedroom door creak open slowly. You tossed and turned in your sleep not paying attention to the sound of footsteps walking over to your bed. You soon felt someone touching your check making you wake up slowly to see mori in your room still in his school uniform dripping with blood. You were a lot to let out a scream for help when mori covered your mouth with his hand.

Mori " shh " he soon took his hand off your mouth and you liked that him.

Y/n " mori what happened are you hurt or something "

Mori "... "

Y/n " here let me call Kyoya and the others and we can get you to check out if you are hurt "you pushed in the phone numbers of Kyoya and soon he picked up.

Kyoya " y/n is everything alright "

Y/n " well Kyoya I'm sorry to call you that this hour about mori that my place and he covered in blood I think he hurt or something "

Kyoya " wait mori that your place he was taken home and locked in his room due ...... y/n you have to get out of there right now and hide something safe me and the guys would be there soon there something wrong with mori he has ...... " just then mori took the phone out of your hand and broken it into many prices with his hands.

Y/n " mori hey let me go check on my mother stay here I will be back soon " you got out of your bed and began to walk past mori slowly.

Mori " your mother not home you told me and honey two days ago "

Y/n " well I think she can home earlier "

Mori " ...... " just then mori pinned you to your bedroom wall fast.

Y/n " mori let me go you are hurting me "

Mori " don't say that y/n I will never hurt the one I love "

Y/n " mori let me go and we can talk and everything is going to be ok I promise "

Mori " no everyone trying to take you away from me the other, your mother, and your servants "

Y/n " mori what did you do "

Mori " I just had some words with the cops Kyoya placed that your house and got dirty "

Y/n " no please no "

Mori " you are now going to take a nap and soon when you wake up we will be far away from here " just then mori knocked you out making you fall into his arms. He picked you up and carried you into and car he had taken from your house and placed you inside. Soon he spends off into the night hoping not to get caught by the other and your mother.

Ten minutes later

Everyone else had arrived at your place along with your mother. Cops were called and told how what had been happening with mori over the past couple of days. Honey blamed himself for not telling you're earlier. Tamaki and Kyoya also blame themselves because they could not keep you safe as they promised too. But everyone promised to find you and bring you home and make sure mori never touch you again.

There will be part two and what do you think going to happen in part two.

Here a question who do you blame for what happened to the reader and who will be able to save her from mori. 

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Where stories live. Discover now