Eight husbands x chubby empress reader

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Left side row - Tadashi, shiro. And sora
Middle row - kaname, Shang
Right row-  Lin, li, and Karo

You are the empresses and rule of the moonlight kingdom, after you father become very ill you had taken his place. Once you had been crowned, empresses you were arranged to me married off to males at you late found out were your childhood friends. Today you are sitting in your throne room having, and important meeting with your council members.

Council member 1 " your majesty we have some bad news at night break your heart"

Y/n " what news do you to share with me"

Council member 2 " we think there someone in the royal family, that is true to kill you and take your throne"

Y/n " who is it"

Council member 1 " we don't know yet your majesty, but their are some rumors or might be..... "

Servant " your majesty your husbands have arrived"

Y/n " thank you" the servant soon left the throne room fast, and right after that your husbands had entered.

Tadashi " good day  our love"

Y/n " hello my dears"

Kaname " May we ask why the council is here today, I thought you will be free this evening"

Y/n " oh yes about that the council had, said there was something important I most know about today"

Shang " May be ask what is this important meeting about, that has to do with our wife and your empresses"

Council member 1 " well it about some dangerous, in the kingdom we thought the queen most know of"

Shiro " May we know about this danger"

Y/n " it had been settled with my loves, the councils was about to leave"

Council member 2 " oh yes we were we will inform you if we find out anything else your majesty"

Y/n " thank you" after the council members left the throne room, you had joined your husbands on a walk around the palace.

Sora " is everything okay love"

Y/n " oh yes everything if fine"

Lin " you know you can tell us anything, we care about you so much"

Y/n " I know "

Li " hey love will you still love us even if we do something wrong"

Y/n " well yes your my friends and husbands I will love you guys no matter what"

Karo"  good because love ...."

Servant " your majesty the young prince hiro, had waken up from his nap early and his seems to be wanting to see you and your husbands"

Y/n " oh thank you" the servant had passed you, your son and soon left you hold hiro close to you.

Y/n " hiro my sweet little prince" you kissed hiro on the forehead, softly you never paid attention to your husbands happy expression change to sad. They all knew they have wronged you and your son, and their happy world might come to a end very soon.

Later at night

You are having dinner with your son and husbands, everything seemed to be going well that was until the palace guards and council members came walking into the room. The guards grabbed your husbands out of seats and placed chains on them.

Y/n " what the meaning of this what are you doing, to my husbands"

????? " my dear calm down" you see you father walking over to you. He soon is standing by your side with a sad expression.

Y/n " father what is happing"

Y/n father " your so called loving husbands have been playing your down fall, with our rivals"

Y/n " please tell me this is not true"

Kiro " it true" you look straight at your husbands, and soon feel hurt and sad you soon turn away from them. You go over to your son, and take him away from the guard who was now holding him after taking him away from shiro.

Y/n " I ..... never want to see you all ever again in my life and stay away from hiro"

Tadashi " please y/n don't leave us we love you"

Y/n father " hush all eight of you now, you are all banished from the kingdom and if you come back it will be your heads in the line"

Y/n " no father some part of me still loves them, I don't want them to die if they try to retuned"

Y/n father " yes my daughter guards take them away now"

Hiro " daddies" hiro reaches his hands our for his fathers, who are now being pulled our room.

Shiro " y/n please look at us we... are sorry please don't do this we need you and hiro in our lives" you hold tightly to hiro trying your best not to cry, later that night you are standing out in your balcony. When you see the guys being taken away in a old carriage at will, take them far away from the kingdom and place them somewhere else.

Y/n father" the guards will make sure they don't, return "

Y/n " thank you father" after that day you raised you son with the help of your father, and the nurse maids. Hiro soon had forgotten all about his fathers, and he never asked about them at much. You had been hearing rumors the guys, had been getting information of you and your son well-being from a few guards they laid off before they left.

Male x chubby female reader book 1 ( Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя